by ViRuZ » Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:55 pm
eh bta3ref lol, i was into World Of Warcraft for like 2 years .. and then i checked myself into rehab, then i started playing dota.. and checked myself again into rehab.. now im into what i do best.. listen to trance and undergo a state of trance

Tech Trance incorporates traditional elements of Techno, with its repetitive nature and strong 4/4 beat, while deriving the melodic elements from Trance. Tech Trance compositions tend to have a tempo of around 135-150 BPM. Tech Trance tends to utilize a more driving sound while commonly using distortion as an effect on the melodies. Also, the melody containing strings and pads will begin once the beat has completely stopped, playing by itself much like a Trance breakdown.