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Serious problem with Firefox

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Postby TranceFusion » Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:54 am

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Postby System.S » Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:11 pm

The fact that you say MAC IS HARDER TO USE shows that you never physically used Mac, thats what everyone who never used Mac says! Or you probably did few clicks and opened some applications and did not know how to close them after :P

Its 2 basic difference: the mouse don't have a physical right click (you hit a key on the keyboard + a mouse click and its a right click) and 2, the maximize, minimize and close are on the left top corner, not right. Not to mention that some keyboard shortcuts are different but within the same essence. Thats it. You can also see how quickly you can switch . BTW, you will see in the videos that things are running fast, when the presenter open an application it opens in a split second, thats real (unlike a windows presentation) thats how fast things run on a Mac.
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Postby Genesis » Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:35 am

If your trance was a pretty blonde ballerina; then what I listen to is a peed-off bulky bouncer pounding the living shit out of your ballerina.
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Postby e-sam » Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:52 pm

Guys everyone has a need & to Kamil's its not Mac. Running fast or running slow this isn't the debate. You want fast? Then dump your Mac & replace with Redhat cause it pwns Mac anytime of the year with speed, reliability & stability. Now enough with the MS vs Mac! This topic was about Firefox & not "Hey my Mac is better than your MS".
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Postby Genesis » Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:44 am

Isam, when did we ever stick to a topic? :p
If your trance was a pretty blonde ballerina; then what I listen to is a peed-off bulky bouncer pounding the living shit out of your ballerina.
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Postby TranceFusion » Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:05 am

I bought Spyware Doctor and Registry Mechanic and cleaned the PC. But 9 "problems" couldn't be repaired (deleted) with Registry Mechanic for some reason. The software also says that the system health is low. I downloaded Service Pack 3 (and 2 for after the format). Despite the fact that i got rid of all the dust inside the PC the temperature is now back between 50 and 73 (it should be below 45) so i assume that the fan has to be changed. I'll do a backup of files and format ^_^ so far Firefox seems to be working fine the last couple of days although it makes an excessive use of the CPU (above 80%) when 10 tabs are opened. I haven't seen any "weird" appearance of the websites recently.
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Postby System.S » Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:20 am

Your fan (or could be to cooler) needs to be changed (heat will affect your processor) the cooler is that silver metallic piece that the fan rest on, over the processor.

In regards to registry files not being fixed make sure all applications are closed when you are doing the fixes, close everything (also programs running in the task tray near the clock).
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Postby TranceFusion » Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:41 pm

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Postby e-sam » Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:49 pm

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Postby TranceFusion » Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:09 pm

Yea i can try the safe mode. I talked to a friend who is into that stuff (repairing pc etc...). Today or tomorrow i'll get a new fan and put it inside. Does the cooler come with the fan or are they separate parts?
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Postby System.S » Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:23 am

They come separate and in a bundle. are good.
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Postby TranceFusion » Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:34 pm

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Re: Serious problem with Firefox

Postby Macjordan » Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:34 pm

you can update your firefox version with latest one.
this will help you to overcome this problem.
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