Another one bites the dust! Never too late to get into the vibe though.
Two years since they partnered with Ableton, the only real product the partnership offered is 'The Bridge' which is pretty nifty and allows producers and djs to use ableton's multi track through serato, but its nothing like initial epic predictions everyone though off. The main product that Serato offer is Scratch Live, which when coupled with Rane's hardware produces awesome setups.
You should also look into Traktor Scratch Pro, which is somehow cheaper than Serato. It's all subjective, I personally prefer Traktor any day, its seemless integration with my music library is awesome. I've already ordered Kontrol X1, and coupled with Audio 4 will produce unlimited possibilities!
You need to see what you want out of a software and see what you demand as a DJ, vinyl might not be the answer.