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NASA Orbiter Reveals Details of a Wetter Mars.

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NASA Orbiter Reveals Details of a Wetter Mars.

Postby Nicktalopia » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:03 am


PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has observed a new category of minerals spread across large regions of Mars. This discovery suggests that liquid water remained on the planet's surface a billion years later than scientists believed, and it played an important role in shaping the planet's surface and possibly hosting life.

Researchers examining data from the orbiter's Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars have found evidence of hydrated silica, commonly known as opal. The hydrated, or water-containing, mineral deposits are telltale signs of where and when water was present on ancient Mars.

"This is an exciting discovery because it extends the time range for liquid water on Mars, and the places where it might have supported life," said Scott Murchie, the spectrometer's principal investigator at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md. "The identification of opaline silica tells us that water may have existed as recently as 2 billion years ago."

Until now, only two major groups of hydrated minerals, phyllosilicates and hydrated sulfates, had been observed by spacecraft orbiting Mars. Clay-like phyllosilicates formed more than 3.5 billion years ago where igneous rock came into long-term contact with water. During the next several hundred million years, until approximately 3 billion years ago, hydrated sulfates formed from the evaporation of salty and sometimes acidic water.

The newly discovered opaline silicates are the youngest of the three types of hydrated minerals. They formed where liquid water altered materials created by volcanic activity or meteorite impact on the Martian surface. One such location noted by scientists is the large Martian canyon system called Valles Marineris.

"We see numerous outcrops of opal-like minerals, commonly in thin layers extending for very long distances around the rim of Valles Marineris and sometimes within the canyon system itself," said Ralph Milliken of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

Milliken is lead author of an article in the November issue of "Geology" that describes the identification of opaline silica. The study reveals that the minerals, which also were recently found in Gusev Crater by NASA's Mars rover Spirit, are widespread and occur in relatively young terrains.

In some locations, the orbiter's spectrometer observed opaline silica with iron sulfate minerals, either in or around dry river channels. This indicates the acidic water remained on the Martian surface for an extended period of time. Milliken and his colleagues believe that in these areas, low-temperature acidic water was involved in forming the opal. In areas where there is no clear evidence that the water was acidic, deposits may have formed under a wide range of conditions.

"What's important is that the longer liquid water existed on Mars, the longer the window during which Mars may have supported life," says Milliken. "The opaline silica deposits would be good places to explore to assess the potential for habitability on Mars, especially in these younger terrains."

The spectrometer collects 544 colors, or wavelengths, of reflected sunlight to detect minerals on the surface of Mars. Its highest resolution is about 20 times sharper than any previous look at the planet in near-infrared wavelengths.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, is the prime contractor for the project and built the spacecraft. The Applied Physics Laboratory led the effort to build the spectrometer and operates the instrument in coordination with an international team of researchers from universities, government and the private sector.

More information about the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is at http://www.nasa.gov/mro
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Postby Raneem » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:38 am

interesting discovery indeed!
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Postby Nicktalopia » Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:48 am

Artist concept of Mars Since it's formation.

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Postby Raneem » Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:45 am

^ im not surprised at all.
Mars was a very active (seismic activities, volcano explosions and eruptions) planet in the past, which made it change so fast (from 4.0 bya to 3.5 bya).
On a side note, Mars includes one of the largest Volcanoes, called Olympus Mons, in the whole solar system (24 KM high, 550 KM diameter)
Today, there are no seismic activities at all on Mars.
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Postby Genesis » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:33 pm

If your trance was a pretty blonde ballerina; then what I listen to is a peed-off bulky bouncer pounding the living shit out of your ballerina.
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Postby Genesis » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:38 pm

This is Earth in the Martian's night sky -


I'm sorry to drift off-topic, but if you want to find Mars with the naked eye, then you can do so easily. Mars is close enough for light pollution to not interfere or cause any invisibility.

Locate the Orion Constellation -

Look for 3 bright star next to each other (they form the belt of Orion). When you find them, you'll easily spot a massive orange star of the top left, and a less bright but still recognizable blue one at the bottom right. Those are Betelgeuse and Rigel respectively. You can find Orion you're in the northern hemisphere and only in fall-spring. You can't find it the summer because of the change in Earth's position. I'm not sure if even the southern hemisphere can find it during the summer.


The red star is Betelguese... it's massive. You can't miss it. It wouldn't explode during our life time, but if it did - it would be spectacular to watch! You can easily see the layout of the stars that I've mentioned. If you then look at the top right above Orion's head, you can locate Mars (a red object among other blue ones). You can find Jupiter a few hours later on the left of Orion (reddish object, just not as red as Mars). Mercury might be hard to find (you might need a planisphere) but it should be underneath Rigel.

The brightest star to the bottom left of Orion is Sirius.

On a separate note, Orion was first discovered by ancient arab astronomers: two belt stars are called Alnitak and Alnilam.
Arabs are also among the people to find the Pleiades (also know as the Seven Sisters - the brightest thing you can find in a northern hemisphere winter).


(If only we were as great today as we have been at that time.)
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Postby Nicktalopia » Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:41 pm

It's true that Mars can't support life right now and probably never will,the atmosphere is too thin to occupy oxygen nor protect human life from space radiation,cold to extreme cold weather and dust storms that cover the planet for weeks,we can never inhabit Mars in the sense of building a community but maybe use it as a launch pad spot to go even further in space,The question is did we adapt to life on earth across time or earth was meant to support human life in it's least to maximum needs ever since the first birth of life?

Finding evidence that some sort of life existed billion years ago on mars would be interesting enough,and i'm not talking about Alien life,just any kind of life or life birth spark,it's the easiest and most logic planet to study with the current technology at least.Most if not all the other planets have extreme conditions.

Saturn's moon Enceladus would be very interesting to study and explore in the future.
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Postby Raneem » Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:28 pm

^ this one is very interesting too since it has elements close to Earth's elements. One lebanese member of the NASA visited LAU one (2006?) and did a seminar there, and talked about Enceladus a bit.
Instead of water though, it has a liquid that is like Oil.
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Postby [IN]Head-Kay » Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:06 pm


"For me personally, I could never go back to playing CDs or even vinyl. And most people forget that programming and selection are the true core elements of any good DJ" - DUBFIRE!

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Postby JAD » Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:30 am

niksterx, MAAAAAATE! What you doing up there - I know, TOP OF THE TABLE - but still a long way to go ! HAHAHAAH
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Postby Fawzi » Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:29 am

^very VERY long way to go you scouse cunt :mrgreen:
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