Being a totally progressive freak and after pounding obsessively Markus Schulz's classic GBDJ for quite a while now it made me want to review a track that I find especially nice, intriguing and most of all...proggy...
Progressive at its best perfectly describes Pushin Too Hard...found on many compilations in 1999 it did not get released until 2000 in the UK under legendary label Bedrock along side a remix by Futureshock...
Saints & Sinners is composed of Jörg Querner, Wilfried Belz...Pushin Too Hard was one of their first productions and perhaps the most popular( for more info about their productions ad remixes: )...
This tune has everything you look for in matter of progression...banging bass-line, swift background melody and a controlling some point the melody leaves place to a quiet yet strong bass-line to prepare for the next part of the track that kicks off in a sublime way(the way it initially ended)...
No surprise in matter of compilations...the track appears in over two dozens compilations...its highlight was being featured in Sasha & Digweed's Communicate(one of their best co-productions) and on Darren Emerson's Global Underground Uruguay(or as some members on the forum like to refer to as: the darkest and sexiest compilation ever released on GU...and I am one of those)...