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TranceHits.com • View topic - 1 on 1 with Alex MORPH

1 on 1 with Alex MORPH

One on One interviews done exclusively for TranceHits.com

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1 on 1 with Alex MORPH

Postby samer » Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:13 pm


propably one of the coolest interviews we've ever conducted so far!! check it out!


Q01- Being voted as the #1 track of 2006 on the radioshow Rhythm Nation while also snatching the #2 position off www.trancehits.com‘s yearly poll, Life Less Ordinary has surely caught the heart of many fans from this region of the world. How do you feel about such accomplishment and what does it mean to you?

Well, first let me say Hi to all readers and a big THANK YOU for the great support and of course all your votes!!!
It means a lot to me, and I'm really happy about the success of Life Less Ordinary. We knew that it would be a special track, but we never expected it to be as huge as it became. Furthermore it shows that electronic dance music is still loved by people all over the world, and this is very very important, too!

Q02- Over the course of more than 10 years of production you’ve been using numerous aliases and collaborations, are these different aliases still alive until this day or the focus has shifted to a lesser number?

There have been various aliases indeed. Different sounds, styles and producerteams were part of them. Nowadays I focus more on the "Alex M.O.R.P.H." alias. It's always possible for something new to happen, or an old alias may come to life again — but at the moment it doesn't look like it.

Q03- One can easily notice the diversity of sounds and styles throughout your productions, is it an intended change or is it just a reflection of your different state of mind while producing music?

I'm working together with a bunch of engineers in my team on my productions and remixes. Each team member has his own way of working, which is the reason for different sounding productions. I love it, because the tracks don't sound all the same, which would bore everyone after a while. Due to the fact that different people have their input in the tracks when we are in the studio, it keeps them fresh and evolving, but they always still have the important M.O.R.P.H. trademark sound that makes you go "AHA! This has to be a M.O.R.P.H. Production!". Life Less Ordinary was an exception there. We tried to make something entirely new and outstanding, and we didn't fail, hehe.

Q04- With such large number of collaborations with whom did you enjoy working the most and with whom you still hope to be able to work in the future?

It's always great to collaborate with other producers, I don't want to pick up a particular one. You can always learn new things, and it's a great experience to work with someone and try to produce an outstanding track. You want to do THAT, the other one wants to do THIS...and you talk, and then you just do both, haha! That's the fusion of sounds that makes it so interesting.
I would still love to work with Armin van Buuren. He is a great musician and producer, and of course one of my biggest supporters. Armin's musical talent combined with an energetic M.O.R.P.H. sound would be awesome. It happened already with "Shivers", which I made a remix for, but a direct collaboration with Armin is still on my wishlist, as well as Ferry Corsten and James Holden!

Q05- From 1996 till now Trance has much evolved, are you happy with the current way Trance sounds?

Of course a lot of things happened. Technology is raising rapidly, new sounds are possible and there are always creative and fresh styles. I would say yes, I'm quite happy with todays trance sound, and I'm looking forward to what the future will bring us. Maybe it will become even better ? Who knows ?

Q06- What’s Alex Morph have in store for us in 2007? Any inside news of what to expect?

The followup to our b2b single "Heavenly" will hit the stores in early '07. It's called "Turn it on" and features wonderful vocals of Michelle Citrin! "Life Less Ordinary" will get a full release finally on Be Yourself Music/High Contrast, incl. some high quality remixes!
It's also time for my solo album "Miles & M.O.R.P.H." to be released, as well as a lot of remixes (for Duderstadt, DT8 and more) and more b2b DJ appearances with Woody van Eyden all over the globe (e.g. Ibiza residency!). The rest is INSIDE NEWS, as you say yourself ;-)
Expect some good stuff!

Q07- What can u tell us about the man behind Alex Morph? What do you like/dislike? Any special hobbies?

You can imagine that I have not that much spare time, but I like to spend as much time as possible with my family and friends, I do paintings, inline skating, cycling, ice skating and i would love to have my own Austin Mini Cooper.….. trying to find the right one for me……

Q08- Do you have any clear idea about the clubbing scene in the Middle East? Should we expect to see you anytime soon playing in this region?

I would love to play there! I heard positive things, and the trance scene over there is growing very fast at the moment. I hope there will be gigs for us in 2007, to eyewitness the middle-east club scene!

Q09- Taking into consideration the several collaborations that you have already done, how do you see the personal relation between DJs in the scene? Do you personally have some close friends among other producers/DJs?

Yes, you make friends, you stay in contact with some — and with others you don't. It's like "normal" life out there. We're all just people, you know ?
Woody van Eyden is probably my closest friend. We do a lot together and have a lot in common. We know each other since 15 years, and it's working out very well — personal and professional.

Q10- Envision this scenario: you are spinning at the very last gig of your DJ career, and a crowd of thousands from all around the world has gathered to bid you farewell. You deliver the set of your life, blowing the minds of all your fans, though the time has come for you to step down. But before you do, one last track needs to be played out, the track that would be engraved in history as Alex M.O.R.P.H.’s final offering to his followers. What is that one single track you would select?

You are not talking about the end of my career, are you ? *Stands up, Shakes fist*

Q11- Any final words for the members of Trancehits.com?

I say THANKS for reading this, THANKS for your support, and I hope to see you soon in a club near you !!! Keep it up!

All the best
Alex M.O.R.P.H.
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Postby crow » Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:25 pm

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Postby samer » Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:41 pm

Never argue with idiots. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience
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Postby Raneem » Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:51 pm

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Postby TRANCEGENIC » Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:33 pm

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Re: 1 on 1 with Alex MORPH

Postby TranceFusion » Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:46 am

Last edited by TranceFusion on Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby reemze » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:12 am

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Postby Tala » Sat Jan 20, 2007 4:26 am

^ yep, let's just hope it will be soon.

He is the man.
I loved the interview, he's too friendly :)

Where's Ziad for that?!
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Postby psycho » Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:43 pm

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Postby Deema » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:39 pm

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Postby Nicoco » Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:14 pm

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Postby reemze » Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:50 pm

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Postby TRANCExual » Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:57 pm

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Postby TranceFusion » Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:03 am

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Postby Trancelvania » Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:12 am

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