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TranceHits.com • View topic - "1 on 1" with Mark Norman

"1 on 1" with Mark Norman

One on One interviews done exclusively for TranceHits.com

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"1 on 1" with Mark Norman

Postby samer » Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:48 pm


[align=justify]we're back with another interesting TH exclusive interview, this time with the talented duo Mark Norman who were so nice to answer our questions and even inform us with some exclusive news regarding them.
thanks to AMADEUS for helping with this interview!

The Interview:
Q01- What usually inspires Mark Norman to produce music?
Everything in daily life. Also when we listen to other music or watching television we can get inspired. But the most inspiration comes from the party people. When we are performing it gives u so much energy and inspiration which is indefinable.

Q02- "Synchronicity" was released last year, what can you tell us about this album?
Synchronicity was our first artist album and is a compilation with some new tracks and older tracks. It shows a lot of dancefloor anthems and the reactions so far are really amazing.
‘Brasilia’ is our last and latest release of this album and now we are already thinking about a new album.

Q03- How does production usually take place? do you both work together on the same track or someone starts off and the other continues?
As u might know Norman is the deejay of us and because he travel a lot he is only 3 days a week in the studio. But it depends how we work on a track. Normally we sit in the studio and we make new beats than the idea comes itself. Sometimes Norman makes a project on his laptop when he is on the road and then we work it out in the studio.

Q04- In 2004 you have performed in Lebanon, how was it? how did you find the scene in Lebanon? did it meet your expectations if any?
The gig we did in Lebanon was really awesome. We didn’t expect it like that because we have never been before in Lebanon. The atmosphere was so wonderful and energetic that it was a pity that my set was only three hours. I didn’t want to finish my set because the Lebanese people gave so much energy and it was one of the best gigs I had that year!

Q05- News is that you are currently working on several remixes including a remix for Paul Oakenfold's new single. Any update you could share with us?
Paul asked us to do a remix of his newest single ‘No Compromise’ and as u can imagine we were really honoured. The remix is already heavenly played by himself and is coming out at Perfecto. Also we just finished remixes for BT, Jan Johnston and TARKAN.

Q06- How was your "80 days around the world" tour? what was so special and different about this tour?
The 80 Days tour was really and exciting adventure. As u know we did it together with our friend and colleague Cor Fijneman and it was so nice to play in different countries. We have visited a lot of countries and tasted a lot of different food :) It is so good to see that our music is everywhere. Also we did a special mix compilation for this tour.

Q07- On your site, it's stated that you are to collaborate with a classical orchestra, what can we expect from such collaboration? Will there be any new collaborations in the near future?
Well we already performed with a classical orchestra last year and it was a good experience. We wrote some special tunes for the one time performance and we can say that it was worth it. It is so beautiful to hear your melody played by real time instruments instead of analog synths. The thing was that Norman mixed the beats and the Orchestra was playing the melodies and sounds efx live. It was quite a risk because it is very difficult that an orchestra can handle the tempo.

Q08- ISOS5 included the chilled track "Colour My Eyes" which is very different from your usual production style, what made you go for such a change? will it see a release? should we expect similar productions in the future?
Well we made this kind of music in the beginning of our career but people knows us from banging tunes. It is not really a change though cause we had the opportunity to make this track with Celine. In the near future you can expect more of this kind of tunes because we want to bring more feeling and emotion in our songs. Also we have a little secret for the Lebanese people……We are going to produce 7 tracks for the new album of JES (Motorcycle) in this style!

Q09- Who impresses you the most among the current producers?
I really like a lot of producers but I think NERD are one of my favourite producers. It a different style of music but these guys make awesome beats.

Q10- Any final words for your Lebanese fans
Hope that u guys will support us in the near future and hope to see u soon in Lebanon. Definitely have some warm and good memories about your clubscene!

By the way….our new website is almost finished so check out www.mark-norman.com :) [/align]
Last edited by samer on Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:46 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby crow » Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:59 pm

Thumbs up Sam :)
'N thnx a mil Amadeus! Such effort is really appreciated :D
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Postby Trancelvania » Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:02 pm

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Postby pTq » Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:52 pm

loved reading this interview !
MarkNorman are absolutely greattttttt!
missed them back in '04 .. surely hope they'd come back and perform !

thank you Samer and Amadeus ..
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Postby Tala » Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:59 pm

^ loved reading it too!
Great Job guys.. i'll make sure not to miss their show on friday!

They are simply amazing. :wink:
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Postby trancematic » Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:43 pm

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Postby RocK » Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:49 pm

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Postby ~Tr@N(E_L@TiON~ » Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:03 am

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Postby Proof » Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:11 am

Nice. Good to hear that they admire producers outside of their genre + N.E.R.D ARE awesome. Can't wait to hear the BT & Jan Johnston remixes as well.

Thanks TH Crew!
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Postby Icepick » Wed Jun 28, 2006 9:30 am

Great interview thanks TH CREW and most importantly AMADEUS !!!!
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Re: "1 on 1" with Mark Norman

Postby samlbronkowitz » Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:27 am

Are you ready to go on a musical trip with me, through love...happiness...music....AND PARTY TIME?

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Postby pTq » Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:49 am

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Postby Shy--Ism » Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:16 am

The Music was New, black polished Chrome and came over the summer like liquid Night ...
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Postby Nicoco » Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:13 pm

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Postby Icepick » Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:16 pm

T34 is a great great track by this astonishing duo!!!!!Hoping to listen to there futur production!
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