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TranceHits.com • View topic - The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

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The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby top10lebaneseDJ » Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:39 pm

Vote for your favorite 3 DJs of 09 on

- Check the Djs list. If your top 3 DJs include a DJ that is not in the list , the vote won't count.

- Click "VOTE" in the menue and fill the form. For each IP adress and e-mail you get one vote. You're IP adress will be saved, so if you vote 2 times with 2 different e-mails, the voting process won't succeed Once you voted , you will receive a "thank you" on your e-mail.

- Feel free to comment and chat in the "Shout" section

Other informations :

- If you are a lebanese DJ and you want to add/remove your name , please send an e-mail to : top10lebaneseDJ@gmail.com

- Voting starts the 20st of August 09 till the 20st September 09.

- Fell free to tell your friends to vote , share the website on facebook, twitter ... and join our group on facebook : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/grou ... 5921826082
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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby DiabloK » Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:44 pm

A question: can we please know the purpose of this poll and who is behind it, ie why should we vote?

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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby top10lebaneseDJ » Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:23 pm

1 - the top10lebaneseDJ.webs.com are curious to know who's #1 lebanese DJ.
2- When we posted a long list of lebanese Djs , people started to ask who are they ( that shows that the lebanese don't knwo all their local DJs) , and began to search them on facebook , so it's a good step for each DJ on the list.
3- Why should you vote? Well , it's a poll, it's your choice to vote or not. Some people found it a bad idea , some people and all the DJs on the list liked the idea.. So why not!!!

Go vote and good luck for all the DJs!

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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby @mr » Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:48 pm

note: in the dj list section

Gunther and Stamina
Ronin and Nesta
Diamond Setter
Dinoysos spelled wrong
Jay K
Nick Tohme
Fady Ferraye
Ali Ajami
Ceasar K
Fady Aswad
Ziad Ghosn
Nicole Moudabar
Said Mrad
Roy Malakian
E.L.I & Rabi-H
Jad Daccache (Abkom)
Jay Jay
G! and Special Kase
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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby Raneem » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:18 pm

I'm lucky not to be on that list I guess ! \o/
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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby A-Cube » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:26 pm

You didn't work hard enough

Welcome to DJ.Malaria you may wonder why I called this group Dj Malaria.
Just like Malaria takes over a person's body when it hits them i want my music's originality to control the soul of whoever hears it in that sense my music is more powerful than Malaria,and I'm sure it will but in a positive way of

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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby top10lebaneseDJ » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:48 pm

Any DJ can join the list. Just send us an e-mail : top10lebaneseDJ@gmail.com with all the details ( radio show , live sets , online sets ....) and we will add you.
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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby Nicktalopia » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:56 pm

I don't see too much of a privilege for a dj to make it on your list. (Pun intended)
These things are already fabricated and full of bullocks.
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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby TranceFusion » Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:07 pm

It doesn't make sense at all to categorize the DJs according to radios and "others". That way you'll never know who is #1 in Lebanon :wink: and anyway since the people don't know the others, they will vote to the best known i.e. MixFM and NRJ.
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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby top10lebaneseDJ » Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:26 pm

^ We changed that man :) Please check the website before posting!
Don't forget to vote and tell your friends! cheers!
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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby tarantula » Sat Aug 22, 2009 12:19 am

^don't know why i have a feeling that you're an old TH member
anyway don't forget to vote and tell your friends ...Cheers
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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby DiabloK » Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:45 am

lol guys check the "Shout" part of the site, hilarious :lol: hope they will keep the comments
tells you a bit how joyful, classy and mature leb edm scene is :|
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby TranceFusion » Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:37 pm

Nah thx, checked it once and it's enough :)
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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby maximusexp » Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:59 pm

Saw the posts had to say something insightful! :D
A top ten poll is a nice idea, good to see everyone sitting and chatting about it
A Poll is a popularity contest! Someone’s Friend of a friend of a friend’s friend will vote and so will his or friend etc, etc… coz they were asked to!
I also feel it’s the artists job to get him or herself know (Nothing comes from nothing right) a poll can’t really do that (Unless you’re on the DJ Mag top 100 but that’s another story)
Plus if you wanna do an official poll you’d need to go through many legal doors and have permission from all music authority’s, radio stations and above all the dj/producers! (signed and approved) in Lebanon! And that also costs money!!!
Good luck in the future
Oh one more thing Ashley Wallbridge on The Edge this week :wink:
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Re: The top 10 lebanese DJ poll

Postby psycho » Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:04 am

i have never looold like this before!! well maybe when they didnt allow kamil to enter armin gig due to baby face! but this!! OMG! i mean how classy it could get? thank god they shut it down!

next poll ... who's the worst basher ever? grow up ppl its only music!
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