It's been a long time you haven't heard from me simply because I was recently busy with DJing in Cyprus (6 hours set at the AVB preparty who turned into a seperate party later!) and in Lebanon at Gauche Caviar!
Another thing going on now is the 'Franko Elektro' competition going on to find out who is the DJ that is going to play at the 6th Francophonic Games in Beirut.
A lot of DJs including me from lebanon have submitted mixes to the competition and they all have been put online for voting.
Names of the 6 participants having received the biggest number of votes will be announced and they will be invited to Beirut on the occasion of the 6th Francophone Games to participate at the semifinal on October 2 2009.The six participants will be judged by a jury during this evening.
Two finalists will be retained to compete on October 3 before this same jury in presence of the DJ star Sponsor of the competition.
I don't do this a lot, almost never so, it's the first time I ask for it

and vote for me and invite your friends too, so I could be between the 6 finalists who will compete live in Beirut.
Thanks a lot and see you soon!!