starts from set-up to end.. enjoy!

with Jimmy Van M

digweed going up?

he's up!

who's ya daddy?

deep room

KARAZY amps..

nour (maDJam's sis), dan harper, ach, maDJam, Sabella...

Amadeus with my not-so-secret anymore lover.. the only SHE I don't mind cheating on me!

okay.. if I copy-paste anymore links I'll go nuts!

hope you like 'em... sorry didn't get any crowd shots.. too much socializing going on

love thy mixer! my allen & heath.. sweet baby!
brought it over from Dubai just for the gig.. thankfully beirut airport didn't stop me this time...
secret? I take off my rings and hide my necklace so they don't open my bag to reveal my SWEET BABY Xone:92.... PASSION!
I kiss it after every gig.. walla it's love! Amadeus knows what I'm talking about after using it...
from Mix FM's website: