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TranceHits.com • View topic - Trance Energy 2005 - THE REVIEW :)

Trance Energy 2005 - THE REVIEW :)

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Trance Energy 2005 - THE REVIEW :)

Postby Transparance » Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:26 am

Hi everyone...
So now that the weekend is behind the door, I took some time to write a review about this amazing party!

Well, what could you say? That lineup tells it all... Armin, Ferry, Gielen, Halliwell, Marco V, Filterheadz.. bla bla bla.... well it was superb!

We started of the long way from my hometown, Linkoping... we left sweden at 18.00 friday night. The long bus way to Holland was supposed to take 18 hours! Just imagine 2 buses with 150 swedes on the way to Trance Energy... what a lovely pre party!

We arrived at 11.00 saturday morning... and we went to the hotell, took a shower and the we were ready to hit the town...
Anyway... I'll skip the things we did in town... you know, the coffee shops etc. :P

The party started at 22.00, first off, Ronald van Gelderen.
I have never heard a live set with this guy before, I just thought he would play a slow "warm up" set... butt hell no! I was so wrong... man, this guy really was about to blow the roof! I don't rally remember any tracks he played but it was hard and very dance-able and his mixing was superb!

Still at Mainfloor time for Judge Jules & Eddy Halliwell... Eddy started of this playing around veeery much with the tracks! He was maad! Very entertaining guy! The crowd loved him... He was acting like Gielen used to... waving to the crowd etc. Here are some of the tracks he spun:

Cosmic - Free Fall
Rank 1 - Beats @ Rank 1.com
Mark Norman - Phantom Manor
Abel Ramos - Aquarius (Randy Katana Remix)
Fred Baker vs Nyram - Confirmation
Thrillseekers - Syanesthasia (Ferry Corsten Remix)
Remy & Roland Klinkenberg - Till ya Drop
Moogwai - ViolaLove this classic track!
Ernesto vs. Bastian - Darkside Of The Moon

Btw... Jules sucked!!! He failed to beat match his first mix :) Eddy stole the show!!

And now Rank 1... oh my god! This was huge! RANK 1, LIVE!
I had very big expectations but was dissapointed in the end... the intro was too long and boring, and this live thing was nothing special... imo :P

Sensation Anthem 2003
After Me
Beats @ Rank-1 . Com
Cygnus X - Superstring (Rank 1 Remix)

Then time for my favorite... Armin van Buuren! I felt like being in heaven the moment I saw him... what a feeling! Anyway, I expected Armin to play some progressive tracks at the start but I was wrong... full tempo here!
Armin played the best set imo. Many of my favorite tunes...
Best part was when Ferry came up at the end of Armins set and Armin played Exhale!! Oh my god! This was like the best view of the whole party... Ferry & Armin drinking champagne... I was very happy while seeing them together and Exhale was blowing out of the speakers!
Here are some of the tracks Armin played:

24 - Longest Day (Vocal Mix)
Freefall - Skydive (a new remix)
Ridgewalkers ft El - Find (Kyau vs Albert Remix)
Motorcycle - Fade Away or Around You (Remix)
Marcos - Cosmic Strings
AvB - Communication (Part 3)
AvB - Birth Of An Angel
Kyau vs Albert - Made Of Sun (Hard Dub)
System F vs AvB - Exhale

I missed the most of Ferrys set coz I was so tierd resting in the chillout room so I can't say much about it, anyway here is a part of Ferrys set:

Ferry Corsten - Sublime (Thrillseekers Remix)
William Orbit - Barbers Adagio For Strings (Ferry Corsten Remix)
Thrillseekers - Syanesthasia (Ferry Corsten Remix)
Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock
Ferry Corsten - Its Time (Flashover mix)
Fire & Ice - Para Siempre (Woody van Eyden Remix)
Ferry Corsten - Sweet Sorrow

I must say that the line up at mainstage was so good that I didn't even spend so much time listening the the other DJ's like Mike, Marco V etc.

Johan Gielen wasn't that good... his track-selection was ok but his mixing, as usual, awful!!

Last man on mainstage was Yoji Biomehanika... I don't really enjoy his music... too hard but I enjoyed his set anyway, prefect mixing and he was very entertaining to watch!

So I end this by posting links to pictures that my friends took...

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Postby samer » Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:42 am

awesome man.. that Exhale moment!! OMG! i'd die happy right there!!
armin and ferry would be more than enough!!
Jude Jules seems always to have trouble with beat matching his first track.. i wonder what's wrong with that..
from the tracklisting of Rank1 it really looks average! I had high expectations!! as for Gielen.. well it seems this guy spends so much time jumping up and dancing and waving to the crowd that he forgets to concentrate while mixing!! LOL.. but still i'd go and check him out as his tracklistings are good and it seems he put up a great show..

yoji biomehanika?! full japanese madnes!! :P

glad you had fun Transparance!! thanks for the review and pics.. shame on you for not checking MIKE :P
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Postby e-sam » Sat Feb 19, 2005 4:52 am

I am so happy for you (and i envy you) to be able to attend a line up of this calibre. The tracks played are quite interested although some were repeated but I wouldnt worry about it. ;)

I just wish I can attend such a party and survive till the end who knows maybe soon :P
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Postby Transparance » Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:08 pm

OVERRATED TRACK NR 1: Beats @ Rank-1 . Com
I think every DJ exept Armin & Ferry played it...

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Postby Path;)s ! » Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:02 pm

picture 51/84 .... will u check the chick in the middle ?
OMG she's hot ! im sure u enjoyed it ! ;)
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Postby hani » Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:32 pm

well damn ur lucky
hehe my bro was there and he told ferry was the greatet he played the greatest set of the nigth.
anyway u r lucky !
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Postby ~Tr@N(E_L@TiON~ » Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:37 pm

hey there..glad u enjoyed it :) its really fun
thanks for the review and pics
if u want guys check ivibes.nu there is also trance energy review but with VIDEOS they r awesome and pics too.. ;) check it!
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Postby Roland » Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:04 pm

TIESTO Was Right When He Said In An interview Just Before TIC 1 That The Clubbing Scene In Netherlands Is Like No Place On Earth !
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Postby Dreamboy » Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:02 pm

From what i see in the pics it was definitly a lifetime event ... glad u had a good time .. thanks for the review ;)
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Postby wael » Sat Feb 19, 2005 9:34 pm

wow man it sounds gr8 and i am sure it was a large crowd hope that at ferry the crowd is gonna be huge
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Postby Transparance » Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:11 pm

Official homepage: www.alaa-music.com
Nellie Recordings: www.nellierecordings.com
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