In our continuous attempt to make clubbing in Lebanon a better experience, and as it is our duty as clubbers to help and inform organizers about any details we believe could enhance the already improving organization; I would like to shed the light on few pointers hoping we'll get the proper feedback from concerned parties just in a month from Armin's awaited gig..
The first and most obvious problem do exist in the warmup sessions.. it has been goin on for so long that the warmup sets usually tend to be had very low volume! Warmup sessions are lower in BPM, style of music, and energy!! they are NEVER low in volume! with DJs in the calibre of maDJam and AMADEUS it's really unfair for them DJs to have their sets missing needed power/volume and unfair for us clubbers who do enjoy warmup sets (and some do even more than the main DJ).
Second, and this was very clear in last Tiesto event, the proportion between bass and other instruments was very high! when the bass kicks in it overpowers all other instruments.. TRANCE is a style of both beats and numerous melodies played altogether in multiple layers forming one complete musical piece.. it's a shame not to be able to get the full satisfaction of the tracks just because the bass simply overpowers every other sound in its way..
Third, concerning the DJ Booth, it's taken for granted that DJ Booths are usually far from the crowd and very high. It's a big pleasure for clubbers to be able to see their DJs clearly, to notice his every move, his way of mixing, along with being more able to notice his interaction with the crowd.. (for sure in case of huge crowds, DJ booth might need to be a bit high but not the usual 3 meters plz!)
In a similar view of the previous point, we would like to ask the organizers to be kind enough to give the DJs the possibility to interact with the crowd and maybe let the crowd have a chance to talk with a DJs, have a pic, an autograph or just a handshake for it means alot to some ppl to be able to get a closer look and feel to their preferred DJs.. Lebanese crowd aint different than any other crowd in the world, and we all get to see how DJs get to go down to their fans, and dedicate some time to spend with them.. it's all part of the clubbing experience, it's what most DJs want, ALL fans want, but has been getting impossible with the tight unnecessary security around DJs that are performing in Leb!
Moreover, a very important point that has been mentioned by many Trancehitters and decided upon, that is the association of drugs inducing with EDM events presented in the form of giant mushrooms, one eyed bigheaded ppl and teletubbies... Pls! this is only helping the idea that all clubbers are drug addicts and need to be high to enjoy music! It's essential to know that we do reject this association and shouldnt stress more about the fact that music is our only drug! these puppets are perceived as a tribute to drug inducers and maybe welcoming sign to them that they fit in and that they're welcomed.. an UNACCEPTABLE fact that any respectable person would stand against!
Finally, and in reference to Tiesto's last gig at Forum de Beyrouth, it was obvious the lack of trash cans, the reason that rendered the floor to be so dirty and full of bottles and plastic cups. Pls take this issue into consideration!
Hoping that with this post we were able to get our voice through to reach concerned ppl. I welcome all of your comments and additional pointers regarding this subject, noting the need to stick to the topic and try to be constructive in commenting!