Why isn't psy/goa popular?

Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:17 pm
by Genesis
The very first time I listened to goa I instantly knew THIS WAS FOR ME! I perceived it as music taken to the ultimate level. There are 1000nds of musical genres, but so many of them are very very similar. Goa/psy on the other hand is so completely different. Abolishing traditional tools like verses, refrains, standard plain 4/4 beats and predictable 'catchy' melodies (ever tried to sing a psy tune to someone?), it tweaks and transforms sounds into a usually surprising and always hypnotic experience.
Yet psy has never been a very popular genre for the masses.
- Is it too advanced? Is there too much 'happening' in the audio picture at once?
- Does one have to start with the 'simpler' genres and move gradually over into the amazing world of psy?
- The rather rare tribe of psy dependants found scattered, tend to be 'different' than the norm. I don't know how to explain it, but in a way they seam 'deeper'. Are we in fact 'special' persons? Is there something about us that enables us to understand the complexities of a well crafted psy tune, which eludes the average?
- Many people will simply cringe at the implication of the unknown. Is what makes a person a psy lover, his love for new experiences and unexplored teretories?
- Of course drugs have a major factor. Many people that are into psychedelic drugs enjoy psychedelic music to 'enhance' their trip. But still, drugs are not needed to enjoy psy. In fact the experience psy gives me is like a subsidiary for drugs. The music can take me on a trip that puts even some of the heavier drugs to shame. Is this primal urge to go on a trip and 'dream away' the sole factor we psy-lovers share in terms of personality?
- I have yet to meet one hardcore female psychick. Most girls at psy parties appear to be there either for the drugs, or their boyfriends sake. I haven't met a girl who listenes to psy regularly, and knows the name of groups and musicians ect. Is there a reason for this? Men and women are different in many ways. Is this just another difference?
At work I always go around with a player, keeping the beat with more or less subtle dancing. Some people comment on my 'behavior' at times, but I always tell them “If you heard what I'm hearing right now, you wouldn't be able to stand still eitherâ€

Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:52 pm
by samer
mmmmmmmm welcome back Mr. Gen..
well i'll be glad to answer few of ur questions regarding Psy.Goa
first, psy/Goa is a very complex style of music, very variant and mostly lack any catch up refrains thus it's harder to stick in someone's head and eventually get the song to grow into you..
Also Goa is way faster and harder than most styles of music, not everyone can stand it and eventually not everyone will enjoy it.. Moreover, it's very hard to dance on Goa/Psy music so commercial parties are out of question!! you're looking into a style that looks up to anything called underground
true that many use drugs to enjoy GOA more as it is a fast trip to outerspace and more true is that one does enjoy it more if sober, taking into consideration that we're talking to music lovers and not hardcore junkies
it's also important to note that psy production is scarce, not many are able to produce that complex style of music, and more importantly few does succeed in doing this (the proof is the production of varias repititive productions lately..)
finally, regarding meeting a "psychick" oh well.. i used to say to guys who talks about trance girls: ALL THE LUCK!!
for you i'll say: GET REAL!!
am in no position to say I HATE YOU.. in fact right now i PITTY you.. poor Ed

Wed Jan 12, 2005 5:08 pm
by Genesis
k samer..u were very generalizing in ur opinion. although u do listen to psy but still ur answer wasn't collective nor dimensional concerning trance as a whole and psy precisely.
1st up, there's sub genres in trance sub genres themselves... discussing a single sub genre in psy is essential to avoid a general dimensional view. from what u typed ur talkin about the 150bpm acid blaring psy. peak psy. u neglected what else might psy possess and what other 4/4 beats, twists, FX, synth or any other production/mixing tricks can add to a tune. psy spreads from 130 bpm to 160 bpm.. and what makes it psy is also the FX and emotional impact it leaves. a melody freak like u samer should know this quiet well. music is melody. it's not even about dance music, it's about music as a whole. that's how it was made..even hard house and hard trance do have melody. but psy ain't dat 'soft'..it's clubbin for the love of god not symphony!
now, psy IS popular.. i asked y isn't it popular and listed the possible questions to find out more y is it not popular in ur perspectives.
in switzerland psy is gettin in clubs with time (it's more the psy music from son kite, xv kilist, paste, and stuff like this) but also psy like I.M, Astrix, and the others israelis are played more and more on bigger parties! it's also new that swiss live artists make their own compilation..so i think in switzerland psy-trance is the upcoming music.. people like less and less house, euro-trance and stuff like this.. till now a lot of people did say, that psy-music it's just drug music, but the techno freaks see that it's not a lot difference between us (psy freaks) and them, so they come more often to psy-parties and enjoy it with us! they also like it to be outdoor in summer and enjoy it.. before people did see more the "hippies" on parties, but now they see that everyone can come to this kind of parties.. m sure this is found in other places, but that's what i managed to know about switzerland, which is promising..u can easily found a psy-party there nowadays while 5 years ago u needed to pick up a flyer from some station to know there is a psy gig around..
In Czech republic goa/psy is deeeeep underground, parties from 20-300 people and they keep it continously this way just to keep the spirit alive. One or two times in a year a bigger and 'commercial' party is organised to meet new people and if they like it they'll join the tribal family...
in Scandenavia Son Kite and Miika Kuisma r top artists up there..Let us Be made it to the top 5 in the swedish radio chart... something that many other trance (generally) tunes failed to do in 2004.
further more it has spread to producers from the US (cyzum), UK (J00F and mick chaos), greece (vatos lacos), south africa (tegma), austria (oliver prime)..and loads more than i can't really remember all right now..euro-psy DJs tend more to soften the sound but still stay commited to the typical psy sound..not bpm only..but also FX, synth, and spirit..
some ppl just can't get into psychedelic music! they think they're going mad with psy!i think they can't feel it...maybe it's a god given thing to feel the massive energy of Goa! The psy rhythm goes back to the ancient tribes, and is still leading us to outer space!
some ppl asks me 'What do you think of [Insert any MTV artist name or some melodic cheese artist] latest tune'
I usually answer that I don't listen to much music with singing.
Then they always ask 'No singing???? What do you listen to then????'
GOA/PSY has never been played on MTV. Not that I wanted it to be, but still, it's the biggest music channel and generally plays music for the masses. even their MTV dance channel doesn't! I enjoy the fact that PSY is not a 'HIP' genre and we don't have tons of commercials on TV for cd's like 'McGOA' or 'Absolute Goa 178' But still I'm wondering, what is it that keeps it 'underground'?
I'm not only talking about just the 'ravers' and party goers here. I'm talking about everyone. Why is it that melodic, uplifting, or vocal is so well liked, when goa exists as a much preferred subsidiary? Some will probably say 'Different people, different tastes' but I've got a feeling it's something more than that...we want it to be different. it's up to us psy freaks to manage it by attending it, talkin about it, but still keep it underground..we're it was born and shall stay imo
the psy cd's haven't been in stores before 2001.. now you find next to house music psy-trance, and next to this you find all this stuff played on mtv or radio.. or any other media shit..i personaly like it as it is.. prefer to play on underground parties.. than it's more like a family feeling than just a fueled..... rave feeling.. sometimes "goa-raves" are ok, when GMS, Astrix or someone like this is playing but our "underground" parties are still the best.. and that's the reason why goa is still underground. The day that psytrance would become "popular" (as in "mainstream",MTV and shit like that) is the day that Psy will be shot in the head!
this would kill the whole effect- who wants to listen to popular music ?
music for the masses is for the masses and Trance is for all those who were involved in a "Real" rave whether we like it or hate it .
anyway trance generally is getting more popular - so more directions of sounds are evolved to make the difference between the two (lets say for example that infected mushroom is popular, and in the other hand, Midimiliz isn't)
as for the psy capital israel the situation is quite special:
Everything there is very intense! People are going crazy and they need an alternate reality, Psy trance provides them with that reallity, And the fact is,
That israel is the hot spot now, but it keeps spreading, The world is getting warmer.... everything is getting fucked up and people wanna get out & run away, I believe that psy trance is just starting and it will keep evolving and ultimatly, i see psy trance as the music of the future
That is how is see the future a very mad party.It is all a matter of time, in the meanwhile, we, the "Early Starters" enjoy fantastic music that others rnt aware of, but they will..coz psy-trance is comming up in the next few years..keep it in mind that it will be still the best music, with the greatest ravers and fantastic vibes and you will forget the commercial thing dat's comming up nowadays!
it always implicates the hope, that the atmosphere and spirit of the parties would develop and grow. It also implicates the hope and dream of a different world. Peace, love, unity. Well. This kind of spirit just is not popular, it is not mainstream. It is underground. My interest is not to see Goa / Psy music become popular and being consumed by masses, but seeing the spirit expanding, taking over, opening the minds of people, changing the world ... most people do'nt like psy/goa trance cause it's too intense. but it's lovable and this is what really matter...I don't give a fuck if other ppl doesn't like it.
as long as I got da psy experience flowing in my blood - I'm happy. in the morning, afternoon, and night, it's just psy trance. the harder the better... fuck the sissy sounds! we r special!
Since it's clear that what's popular is basically popular because someone desides it should be popular, I guess we who roam for psy are in fact special because we are people who dare find our own opinons and tastes and not only go where everybody else goes. Thus, we are in effect, the last hippies. Another important point is that Psy is VERY complicated music, that often demmands something of the listener. You can listen to some tracks for literally 100ds of times, and still be surprised at the recognization of a new instrument or sound that you hadn't noticed before. Yet, the essence of Psy is not recognization of familiarity, but the unforeseen. Just when you thought you could pin down an inspirational source, it's turned into something completely different, or stopped, never to return as a 'refrain'. I suspect this is also why people who like Psy are somehow precieved as 'Different' (or am I really the only one who feels so?) because their consiousness is on a different level than average. Having a simple melody, a singer, verse and refrain that we can sing along to, just isn't enough for us. It's simply too unpredictable...each time we ear a track its always a new experience, always diferent.
and u also said that all tunes r the same; well, if u only want to listen to the tune..well..dah! all dance tunes r similars, all trance releases r the same and rip offs..it's the differences in the feeling and understanding of what ur listening to. all trance is beat, melody, beat end of the tune..but u have to live it to get it perfectly right..
it's a matter of evolution and discovery... at the begining,i didn't like progg at all, i thought it was too repeatetive and too boring... later, some years ago in my first contact with psy things weren't way different coz i thought "it sounds like techno and its so fast for me", but with the time I discovered the maestros of layeristic trance Astral Projection and Man With No Name through J00F I started to get into Goa, and from that to get contact to raves and parties, where I totally fall in love with psytrance. Many people just distinguish the beat and hiss of trance, and maybe cuz psy is not easy to understand and feel, it needs some level of education of your taste and mind....consequently, comes the natural ideal of the psy culture "sharing intense emotions"... but sharing is not with all people, cuz some won't understand it.. but share emotions with psyfreaks and with people you think will like psy....when you need psy, it will come to you. besides psy is like a virus.... it starts in the surface.... and then deeply infect each cell of the physical human envelope.... it's just that the infection starts in the mind... and some geeks have such a closed mind that they are immune to this powerful virus..softies! I just simply love it for itself ..freaks dont need it to be popular, it has the same personality as them, not fiting with the majority, they are always like sheep..the minorities are better, and are the ones that are less manipulated .. and more pure minded, coz they r less influenced by crap trance..the fact that people don't have the ability to separate all the elements that make up psy could be very depressing. denial is a follow up and psy is automatically rejected. these people don't have what it takes to create a picture in their brain and try to figure out what the particular sound might be. they don't even try, and on the other hand, taste plays a very important role. but for the rest of us, this type of genre is a religion, like a part of our personality. some of us like goa to a certain extent, like me, but most likely I end up getting attracted to the darker side of psy. it kinda makes me think about the nature of man and his purpose, purpose to destroy. take a look around, everything we create is designed to destroy, even psy. psy kills about a million of my brain cells every minute i listen to it. lol.. when it comes to drugs, you don't need it to be a psy lover. i'm not a hardcore drug user, i mean i pop a few pills (rarely though) when i go to raves but that's it! i might light up a joint, go into my bedroom, turn up the fucking speaker, and I fucking fly!!! i could sit here and write a million words about psy but won't be good enough.. and as it was said in 'Hulk':
You know what scares me the most?
When I can't fight it anymore.
When it takes over.
When I totally lose control.
its kinda like spiritual thing, i dont know its hard to explain it in words, it's something you feel deep inside of you that is very difficult to comprehend. for me it is a way to bring thing off balance. the basslines r meditative and the kicks also r tribal and sets the mood for trance experience, the impact of that sort of music to the body is so intense that no one can ignore it, either you love it , either you hate it.
its that simple.. it's just a way of thinking and a way of life, its for my body, mind & soul or in other words:
'spiritual healing'.. it seems to be part of me..for me the music is energy, the tribe is like a family and the parties are fun!it's a way to be, a way of peace, love and fun.. i feel more than only music! the music wakes up my spirit and brings me into another world! it's really hard to put this in words..but i hope you all understand what i mean.. imagine dat it's what the cavemen would've played around their campfires if they had the technology. Psytrance is a culmination of deep beats crossed with psychedelic sounds that take you off to places not normally accessible in a normal mind set.a good psytrance track makes you feel like you've done a shed load of acid, when you're actually completely straight each to his own life is a vibration that keep the body awake. music is a kind of vibration : when we are dancing, we are feeling alive.
the mathematical construction of some tracks shows the complexity of life but only few people can feel it this way, that's y goa is so amazing! to understand this music we have to go through hidden worlds. and drugs was a help to find the door. but one time is sometimes enough because we keep in memory the process to reach this world again. there is something behind reality, and music help us to experience it.it's the basic essence Of rhythm & harmonics, it brings you to a place
where you dont need to think in order to listen or dance to the music, the whole experience is pure and you can feel it. there is no trance sub genre i can relate to in the same way..even with progg
it is like the spiritual feelings (even if you are not religious)
sometimes words or explanations is useless...just experience it and keep the mind wide open.. and fall in love ppl! it's not about chicks or hookin up in da clubs..it's about ur mind..it's about u.. it's surprisingly personal..
long live psy/goa and progg! falyasqot euro-trance!

Thu Jan 13, 2005 12:20 am
by Genesis
^ buzz off!
read my whole reply and then smirk over u rookie! (damn i love sayin dat!)
i didn't only mention bpm, plus, gao and psy r more than twins..it just that
one harder dan the other, deeper, darker, less FXs used..don't go in
technicals coz it'll be madly dizzy..
..so ma tetzeka 3al m3allem!
u don't wanna read it fine, it's up to u, but i have officially canceled u as
psy fan (yea, i know u don't care..so u don't have to say it)
then y the fuck did i type all that if ur not gonna read it? if it wasn't 4 ur
reply, i would have typed it..really..shame on u man! ur an admin (wenne3em!)
u should be more concerned...

face to face?..pft..that's in a very long
mate...not in a year at least..
mimo, keep it up matey! ur some true psy chick out there!
have u read all this up there?

Thu Jan 13, 2005 1:38 am
by TRANCExual
oh ya!! i was just lsning to "the fly again" and the lyrics seem to be taken from an old hard trance tune (deep project - the fly)

Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:15 pm
by Genesis
^ dion, i've never liked what u said as much as i did now.. 3ibar! 7ikam!
c? ur into psy as samer is, yet ma 3am bet2ewe7 and argue about some
crappy bullshit..at least u bothered to read the post not skip over and bash
psy or goa or whatever the damn u wanna call it!..i just dunno when would
samer believe wot we're sayin and buzzin about..
did i really wake u up yesterday? what time was it? like..1 or 2 am? dion,
BTL's tune is some choon walla!...lots of heaven!...WWWOOOOOHOOO!!
and is there any chance the ur signature can shrink shway? it's too large.
fillin the page..keep it real..ihm ihm ihm..like mine ya3ne..

Thu Jan 13, 2005 8:22 pm
by samer
ya train ya Gen *wow it Rhymes* if you only would read carefully and actually see instead of just looking, u'd know that am actually the only one who bothered to answer ur questions.. hay first.
second, am not bashing psy or Goa u pinhead!! been a psy fan for many years.. DION knows so and esam and MalcomX have witnessed it all, but yet again giving you excuses and reasons would only be a waste of time.. ur too thick to absorbe anything..
it's just too funny to see you backed up by zizi!! the one whom i've been trying to make him listen to psy since the day i met him.. and his smartest comment was once: "WHAT WOULD SOMEONE SAY IF THEY HEAR US LISTENING TO THESE SOUNDS (TSEW TSEW TSEW).."
i've always advised zizi to have mercy on his thingie and try to think with his upper head for a change.. but no advice can do.. LOL.. but still i love you zizi!! pls say hello to your neighboor for me.. mhmh
oh well.. i still hold my word that i dont agree with some of what you've said.. but since you're like most of the hot-blooded peeps who jumps off and gets on the attack when hearing the word "I DISAGREE" i will not go into further discussion with you but your post was more passionately driven than rationally!!
anyway Gen, i already hate you so no worries it cant actually get any worse than this... or can it?