Can you hear him coming??! lol
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:57 am
Nana 2009 - He´s coming back
Yes, it´s true. Nana is coming back with a massive new album produced by Toni Cottura and Torsten Abrolat. The vibe is right, it´s dark, it´s big, it´s mysterious, it´s NANA!
We are producing and recording the 7th track. Album name is not cleared yet. But 1 thing is for sure: Can you hear him coming?
Yes, it´s true. Nana is coming back with a massive new album produced by Toni Cottura and Torsten Abrolat. The vibe is right, it´s dark, it´s big, it´s mysterious, it´s NANA!
We are producing and recording the 7th track. Album name is not cleared yet. But 1 thing is for sure: Can you hear him coming?