Interview With Progression

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Interview With Progression

Postby DJ Plasm-A » Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:01 pm

The 2 Amazing Tracks Released Earlier Made Me Search And Post Abt Progression, Heres The Latest Interview..:
Back in 2002 two talented producers decided to unite in one team. New-born project received name Progression.
Their passion and talent turned out in numerous nice tracks like 'Ocean Green/Purify', 'Frontline/Evolution',
'Points of Departure/Freelancer' and sure 'Techonophobia'.

Daniel and Robin continues to put a big energy to their productions. Greatly supported by Tiesto they recently released debut 2 CD's album called "Different day, different light". Album is available in stores worldwide from 11th of July. Get ready for the sound of Progression.

Let's give guys a word.

1. Hi, Daniel and Robin! How are you doing?
We are doing great thanks! And most of all we are pretty excited! With all that’s going on at the moment, the album release and us hosting our own release party for it makes these some eventful times.

2. Could you tell a little bit about the very beginning of your music carrier? Maybe there was exact moment when you said to each other: “Yes, we are going to make music”?
We got into producing at a very young age, roughly at the same time when we first met each other in school. Back then we just came in contact with the most basic form of producing software and had loads of fun with it. As time went by the possibilities in the software increased and so did our thirst for producing. Then around 2k we were good friends and getting into trance more and more and, until one day we simply decided to try and do something together, sharing the fun if you will ? This went amazingly well, and so it all began.

3. What is you favorite phrase that describes your life credo?

4. How it’s to live in Dordrecht? What town is it? What places you can recommend to visit if we will plan to come there?
Dordrecht is a relatively big city that is mostly known for it’s historic monuments, as it was 1 of the first actual city’s in the Netherlands, and much of that history has been preserved. If you like history and old architecture this is definitely a place to see. And if you plan on visiting we recommend you do just that, walk through the old streets and get a glimpse of how it used to be.

5. When did you first discovered electronic music?
Robin: At the first signs of it I guess, I have an older brother that was very much into music and he was into electronic music from the start as well, and it kinda rubbed off on me I guess ?
Daniel: For me about the same I guess. My older brother had even older friends which listened to the latest trends in music. Dancemusic. They listened to tapes and cd's with Detroithouse and I loved it from the start! I tried to make my own music by recording short samples on tape and paste it onto another tape, a total mess but I thought it was great back then.

6. What artists and tracks made a great influence on your musical tastes?
Artists like Sasha and Tiesto made a big impact on us as they have always been pioneers in music, always looking forward and expressing that in their work.

7. Your top 5 tracks at the moment?
- Snake Sedrick - Marron
- Ferry Corsten – Beautiful
- Progression feat. RED - Stranger
- Sunset Blvd. feat. Kass – Tell me about America
- Albert Vorne – Formentera what (Gareth Emery Remix)

8. Before Progression you’ve had Odyssee and Inbox projects. How did they differ from Progression and what’s their status now?
Odyssee and Inbox are mainly trance orientated whilst Progression covers more ground sort of speak. At the moment our main focus is on Progression of course as it is our main project and because we in a musical sense relate the most to the sound Progression expresses itself in.
As for Odyssee and Inbox right now they are both on hold until further notice, but keep your ears out as you never know what lies ahead ;)

9. How you came up with Progression name?
We have a deep desire to always look forward, to learn and experiencing new things , to keep on growing in what we do and to share that in our music. Hence the name Progression.

10. How you can describe your own style? In what direction you’re planning to evolve?
We consider ourselves as progressive/trance producers that take the best from those 2 worlds (progressive and trance) and combine them in our own sound. And it’s not so much that we are ‘planning’ to evolve, we notice we grow and our sound grows with us, to where we go, we don’t know, all we can say is, join the ride as we are sure it’s an amazing one!

11. Why you’ve decided to name your first album “Different day, different light”? What is the idea behind the whole concept of it?
The music is always changing and what we are basicly saying is that each day is different and can be seen in a whole new light by listening to music, music touches us all deeply and we feel very connected with that. Ofcourse the name of the album leaves room for interpretation as it does not say just 1 clear thing, we wanted to go with something that feels like our music. And so we chose for this title.

12. Where did you find an inspiration for producing such a nice music?
That mainly comes from other music we think, but of course we are inspired by everything around us, friends, family and the world itself. It’s hard to point out just 1 thing.

13. The album has an amazing number of tracks. How much time actually it was taken to produce all of them?
We’ve spent about a year making them. And it that year a lot happened, some tracks we dropped later on in the process only to be replaced by ones we found more suitable, it’s been a lengthy process but an amazing and wonderful one.

14. What can you tell about Tiesto’s involvement?
Tiesto was the one who inspired us to do so, we were actually sitting around the table with him when he asked us out of the blue if we would like to do an album. He told us how much he enjoys our music which probably was the reason why he’d asked us.

15. What are you’re planning to do after release party? Will you go on tour in support of your new album?
It is gonna be a amazing energetic night so the first thing we’ll do is sleep probably ? But in our upcoming gigs we will of course continue to spread our sound.

16. What hardware and software do you use producing the tracks and on gigs?
For producing we use Reason which is fully software based, with the only hardware attached being a midi-keyboard. On gigs we use the basic gear most dj’s use, Pioneer CDJ’s and mixer.

17. What can you say about the whole tendency to do “more software music” (like playing from laptops)?
We feel there has to be a connection between the dj and the audience, with playing on the decks and mixer it is easy to connect, but if you have to stare at a screen the entire time that connection might be less or lost. Now don’t take that too literally cause a combination of the 2 is in our eyes possible, but we haven’t been actrive with that enough to make a clear statement on that.

18. What is the funniest moment you can remember during your gigs?
Looking back it has to be the time when our headphone broke halfway our set on a big gig in Athens while playing before Tiesto with a 10.000+ crowd and we didn’t have a backup ready. At the time it was a OH MY GOD moment, but seeing as how we got by (with lots of tape) and how amazingly cool the crowd reacted, we kept the show going up to the point when we got Tiesto’s headphone when he arrived, we showed it to the audience that gave a big cheering roar and we finished off our set perfectly.

19. The most outstanding gig you’ve had?
The shows we did with Tiesto had to be the best ones, we enjoy the smaller gigs just as much, but with the large party crowds and amazing lights those would have to be the best!

20. What is your dream-gig? [Festival or event, venue, artists you want to play along side with]?
Tough one, we’ve been to so many amazing venue’s/places and have played for such wonderful crowds. Something big on a beach with the sun setting would be cool!

21. What are you think about current situation with Internet radio in USA, namely Savenetradio?
We haven’t read/heard much about it yet, but as we understand now there might be a big change in the royaltee arrangements that will affect internetradio around the world. Whether this is a good or bad thing we can’t say, but we can only hope that whatever change comes we as musiclovers will be able to draw something positive from it.

22. One thing you like and one thing you hate about Internet sites?
The internet has got to be the best way of communication ever invented up till now, it allows you to travel the globe and meet people and actually interact with thim all from the leisures of your own home ? And what we really dislike is spam! Get out of our mail!!!

23. Do you plan to come to Ukraine?
If you would like us to come, we’ll be there in a flash!

24. Thanks, guys. Wish you to have an enormously great party on June 15th. Thanks for your time.
Thank you for taking the time to interview us!

Look Over There! :shock: A Rogue Wave Coming!!
.In The Higher Vibrational Dimensions, Words And Thoughts Are Replaced By Clear, Unbroken TONES!
..For Those Who Know TRANCE, No Explanation Is Necessary. . . For Those Who Do Not, No Explanation Will Suffice
...Religion Is For The People Who Are Afraid Of Hell, Spirituality Is For Those Who Have Been There.
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DJ Plasm-A
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