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TranceHits.com • View topic - Thoughts about DIONYSOS set
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Thoughts about DIONYSOS set

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:58 am
by Night Stalker
This might be a bit too early... i know the broadcasted set just probably started on the radio :lol:

However, i tried to tune in to party107... and for some odd reason all three links seem to be broken?


Anyways i had the privelage to download Dio's set earlier today, so i decided to just listen to the download, instead of the live stream.

so on to the thoughts, i will try to be concise and to the point, since i have to get back to my GMAT studies soon, not to mention my attempt to spare u guys more than what u need to hear from my blabber! :lol:

Tell u the truth this is the first set i hear for Dio, and to be honest i wasn't expecting something out of the ordinary!

On to the thoughts:

I'm not a DJ (as most of u probably figured out by now) and my knowledge of the technical aspets of the trade is quite minimal, so i will not venture into that department at all and leave it for our many TH DJs to discusss.

From a Raver's point of view,

I thought the intro track selected was quite cheesy and misplaced. However, i haven't listened to the Previous set (Gabrielz) so my view might be skewed. The intro track selection in my humble opinion is one of the most important factors in any set. It helps pave the mood, attitude and impression that a DJ would like to set in a party.

In my humble opinion, one of the most important factors that i request to be found in a star DJ is UNIQUNESS. You gotta incorporate your own style, passion and sound that represents u and noone else. U find MOST DJs fall into the category of immitating the sounds dictated by many factors such as: their Genre, favorite DJs or the blind replication of high traffic tracks (tracks that are continually pounded by more successful DJs).

Armin Van Buuren is one hell of a DJ... but will having 10 Armin Van buuren's add anything new to a Raver's experience? i personally think not.

On the other hand, Dio took me on a Malotiv Cocktail ride (especially in the first half of his set) that left me in both awe and admiration :)

Smooth blending of electro,into progress into even some uplifting cuts here and there that i found have left me enriched with a new experience of sounds... that i can safely attribute to him as Unique! Props on that buddy, u in my humble opinion is heading in the right direction in one of the most important factors defining a good DJ!

Furthermore, although the second half of the set was quite heavy on high traffic tracks (which is understandable, since they were high traffic for a reason that they are good and/or popular !), they were incorporated in a very nice manner that helped introduce the tracks to first listneres AS WELL AS reintroducing them to veteran ears at the same time (adding twists, unique placement within the set amongst other things).

in a nuttshell:


1. Intro.
2. Last 30 minutes was rich with high traffic tunes.

2. managed to take the boredom out of high traffic tracks.

Best of luck buddy and keep on the good work!

P.S. please try to limit the amount of "non-so-usefull" comments such as:

1. WoW.
2. The set Sucks.
3. Amazing ... OmG!
4. Why didn't u play Adiago for strings?

to a minimum Por Favor!


PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:08 pm

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:34 pm
by crow

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:36 pm
by rob

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:05 pm
by Night Stalker

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:32 pm
by Raneem
Although i'm not a big fan of this type of Prog-Electro which dominated the first half, i really enjoyed listening to the trax which are really well selected..they fit together..And of course, the transitions..SMOOTH and well matched :) :D
as mentioned above, the first half was Electro close, but the PERFECT taste i guess..LOL..and smooth mixing between trax made me forget that i was listening to something i don't usually listen to. :)
I liked the set more & more starting from Life Less Ordinary honestly ;)
Good variation btw in the choice of the trax later, which made me like it more! :D
SO, in conclusion, i must say that, AS USUAL, u did a v good job :D! U always put a smile on my face when i listen to ur sets..I feel that it's a TALENT to make others accept a non usual type of music.. In other words, u made me enjoy listening to the set, like u did in ur 2 gigs that i atteneded :D ...So i wanna THANK U ;)

Keep it up bro ;)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:23 am
by Qulture
after listening to the set a couple of times , i have a few things i am going to say :

1. WoW.
2. The set Sucks.
3. Amazing ... OmG!
4. Why didn't u play Adiago for strings?

LOL ... kidding aziz .... !

i liked the opening track , its bold , and different , i didnt find it cheesy , or maybe my perception of cheesy differs these days ... :wink:

However , i like intros , i always try to use intros , but when its a guest mix , and you are limited to one hour or less , you might not be able to add a track with an intro , that you like at the same time ...

i liked the diversity of the set , it kept me wondering whats next, which is very important in my opinion ...

however , after closely listening to it saleem , i thought the transition into life less ordinary could have been done better ...

but overall , great set ... we have very similar taste in music .... keep it up saleem ...


PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:33 pm

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:37 pm
by Night Stalker
Come on guys... we need more feedback!!!

don't feel intimidated..... even if u feel that he needed to play Adiago for string... i TAKE MY STATEMENT BACK!

the minimal kind of support that u can give to a DJ is to provide him/her with some HONEST, CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.... so let your voice be heard please :)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:50 am
by Tala

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:27 am
by samlbronkowitz
the first track would be solid I think if it wasn't for the lyrics--its funny first time, 2nd time, etc. but eventually it would just bore me. but i really liked the transition int the 2nd track and the track itself. its DARK! and that's really what i'm into at the current moment: lots of dark proggy elements mixed in with electro. i have track 3 somewhere in my file so remind me the name--it made me smile :D! From around 20min-33min i think its pretty flawless, music I would defo put in my car. After that it felt a bit monotonous though for nostalgic reasons I love KLF "What time is love" whatever remix it is (or just a sample maybe?). All in all good, the ending needs ot be better, and i would've probably chosen a different closing track. But i did enjoy, and love to see tht you can incorporate a sound you have preaching death to with ur dark progressive work. Keep it up I say. I gotta say after hearing so many DJs and so much music for so many years, the only ones that keep up any interest for me are the ones that are able to mix in various genres and subgenres of music in one set. LIstening to 1hr of the same music is boring to me now.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:14 pm
Dolphy, I can't but respect that, but :) right back at you anyway!

Mr. Samuel L. Bronkowitz, thanks for the constructive criticism bro, I guess I should've chosen Adagio as my ending track LOL! I'm glad you got to enjoy the set (overall) given your recent shift (not change) of taste. That third track is Hiver and Hammer with Funabashi ~ Z.I.T.A. [Markus Schossow remix], and I am SO FREAKING HYPED that someone else knows the original KLF! This is a new remake of the classic from Antidote, who's none other than living legend Airwave. Full tracklist coming your way when the show stops airing. Oh and the whole preaching death to Electro thingy, oh it's still ON! :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:25 pm
by samlbronkowitz

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