Did you listen to Yahel's album 'Hallucinate'? Or 'Heart Attack'? That's quite
a difference from Around the World guys... a real big difference imo.
As for Infected, it's not one sound in psy that I want or enjoy. I'm fully aware
that what labels a tune as ''psy'' is not a certain bassline or loud beats: that's
just part of the equation. After all, music is a blend of many sectors and
instruments that labels an artist's sound as ''his'' sound just like in trance
as a whole or any other type of music - it's not all one sound, so I agree
with that Sam. Psy can be many (& sometimes) unrelated sounds between
artists, what simply makes an artist unique in his sound. It's just a huge
spectrum with different sounds filling different spots across it's length.
Infected went instrumental: nobody can deny that those two have done a
phenomenal job in producing and performing a solely unmatched Infected
Mushroom sound that can't be mistaken with anybody's else. I'm still a
huge fan of Infected of the 90's... in fact, up until Converting Vegeterians
(and presicely 'Deeply Disturbed') things were more than perfect with
Since then, they just took things to a different perspective. I don't like
cutting a pumping bassline for some vocals, or interupting build-ups with
some instruments. That's all what I got against their sound. The loud
basslines and all is not the primary issue for me in their sound.
I still enjoy ultimate master-pieces like:
- Unbalanced
- Tasty Mushroom
- P.G.M.
- Virtual Voyage
- Symphonatics (love the Silent Hill remix too)
- Echonomix
- Psycho
- Tasty Mushroom
- Release Me
too many to count, but almost everything they made before I'm the
Supervisor. I'm just a fan of their old sound - not really fond of most of
their late productions except for Something Else and the remix for Astrix -
Coolio. Putting all that appart, I salut their approach and different take on
psytrance and labeling a unique Infected Mushoom sound.