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Postby DIONYSOS » Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:05 pm

One of the richest topics to hit TH lately, thank you A-Cube for your "fashit khele2" that eventually led everyone into letting out their feelings.

A lot of solid points have been made in this topic, and a lot of different perceptions were shared. I agree with some and disagree with others, but the bottom line is that the Lebanese scene has been on a downward spiral for some time now in all the pillars that make up a scene: music, promoters, and crowd.

I won't bother stating my own opinion of the matter because after all the sad-but-true opinions you guys injected in here, my own opinion would just be a puzzle reconstruction, so no need for any unnecessary duplication that doesn't really add anything.

Instead, what I want to say is this: WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT?

It's very healthy to diagnose the scene's tragic situation and to discuss it, but looking through the window is not enough - we need to ACT! Let us be egomaniacs for just one moment here: IT WAS OLDSCHOOL RAVERS WHO MADE THE SCENE. The next generation who jumped upon the wagon that WE created ruined the balance and crashed the wagon, which left us in front of two choices: either leave them to build their own new wagon, one which we surely won't want to get on board, OR we take things in our own hands again and whip our scene into shape.

Utopic? Yes. But it the early 2000's it was also utopic for me and just a few others to believe that Lebanon would ever grow an EDM scene, until we began growing this scene ourselves!

Everyone should ask himself/herself: WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT IT? Whether you're a music lover, forum crew, DJ, producer, promoter, clubber, whatever the fuck you are - if you truly have raw passion for EDM the fight for it with what you CAN do.

I can't speak on the behalf of everyone but I can say this about myself: I'm a DJ, and no matter how much shit hits the fan in Lebanon, I will keep investing the same amount of effort into dishing out the heavily-researched sets that I'm used to doing. My part of the big picture is keep on providing good music on air and in my gigs - this is as far as I can go, and by NOT QUITTING I would have contributed my share to keeping the scene alive.

If you're a producer, keep producing good music. If you run a website, keep educating people. If you're just a listener, keep listening and spreading the good music you love. Just don't quit guys - there will always be great music for us to produce, play, and listen to; this is one thing that won't go away.

Keep doing your part of the game and don't quit in front of our scene's destroyers, it's the only thing you CAN do and the only thing that still leaves a brink of hope for a better tomorrow.
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Postby e-sam » Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:13 pm

My 2 cents in this matter:

1) It will get worse. The kids will grow up & new kids will replace. Their parents dont give a shit which is a very serious problem. Back when I was 15-16 if I came home late (12 mid night) I get tortured (slippers, belts, you name it...) by my parents. Drugs are everywhere & pretty soon public sex will not be a taboo. I believe its the government who's allowing this to happen maybe to get the people high to forget their reality. (The shit hole they live in called Leb).

2) So what is the solution for ravers & EM lovers? To minimize the kids go to VIP & VVIP (The extra $ is worth it trust me). Or you can organize your own private party (best solution) and invite the people you want. Small gigs are my favorite. The beauty about this is its flexibility & location. Country clubs (pool party), Shale, private villa, or a simple backdoor garden.
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Postby rob » Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:15 pm

A-Cube, Im pretty sure the scene in Lebanon have evolved a lot since 2003-2004, its just that quality EM listener like yourself and many others in this forum have evolved faster and deeper in their electronic education than most of the local scene, that’s why the whole night-life seems to stay way behind, too boring, too normal..
Well the scene in Lebanon is fortunately not limited by Skybar or White, or even Basement or B018 but by many other underground places and events that would have awesome music varying from house to dubstep to dnb..

..or maybve ur just groin up, and that scares me.. I mean clubbin sure shows the kid/immature/player side of an adult, and it would be sad if u loose that, u loose the whole fun…
(For example, Im pretty sure Bronko found a Succubus bimbo who brainwashed him to order his life :D)
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Postby Genesis » Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:21 pm

If your trance was a pretty blonde ballerina; then what I listen to is a peed-off bulky bouncer pounding the living shit out of your ballerina.
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Postby DonSerj » Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:03 pm

We are all giving opinions, thoughts, and how the scene should be.
We're missing a really good point, just like Dio said:
Don't give in and say: nothing will change, I'll just sit in my room and have a party of my own!
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Postby A-Cube » Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:08 pm

A glimpse of hope after a full page of dark predictions :mrgreen: ...

Saleem you're perfectly right and this is what most of us are trying to do...we could have given up a long time ago but nope...we're still willing to make a change...

rob: I'm still in my early 20's so basically there's still a long time to go before starting to age :P ...and why don't I know anything about those secret underground parties?? I feel like a fat band geek practicing his tuba on Saturday nights...

And the BPM tends to get lower with age...it must be a biological thing...
Last edited by A-Cube on Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Welcome to DJ.Malaria you may wonder why I called this group Dj Malaria.
Just like Malaria takes over a person's body when it hits them i want my music's originality to control the soul of whoever hears it in that sense my music is more powerful than Malaria,and I'm sure it will but in a positive way of

PLUR men wejje...
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Postby Genesis » Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:19 pm

If your trance was a pretty blonde ballerina; then what I listen to is a peed-off bulky bouncer pounding the living shit out of your ballerina.
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Postby DiabloK » Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:10 pm

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Postby TranceFusion » Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:01 pm

What e-sam said is what i wanted to say now. Maybe today's kids will become more mature and have a better musical taste when they grow older. But the problem is that new kids will replace them and the organizers, knowing the lebanese mentality, won't stop abusing those kids. They will keep on making profit from those kids.

Concerning the parents, it's almost everywhere. For example (off-topic), many parents in Poland don't care what their kids do at school (low grades, not showing up in classes, smoking, making XXX films with their cell phones, getting beaten by a macho or dissed by a teacher) and this only has negative consequences on those kids. It's the same here. I remember when PvD came in November 2007 and i was standing in line to buy a ticket, in front of me there was a 10-11 years old kid trying to buy a ticket too. The seller refused. Later in the night i saw this same kid with 2 gorillas "protecting" him. FUCK THIS. To be honest i'm not optimistic at all about the scene in the near future. At best it will get better in the far future (more than 10 years i'd say). It will either get worse or remain at the same pathetic and sad level. Am i being realistic or pessimistic? Depends how you want to look at it.

I blame first of all the government for not applying laws and procedures in such cases, for not training the police to be more strict, efficient and effective, for being FUCKING CORRUPTED, and for many other things. Second, i blame the organizers and promoters, most of them are between 18 and 25 years old i bet and have money. But they are ignorant about the EDM scene as much as i am ignorant about astrology!!! They think that they know it all and can improve the local scene, bullshit. They are just ruining it. And bringing every year the same big names is indeed boring. Paul Van Dyk has been playing tech-trance recently, he comes to Lebanon, everyone goes to the event. A local DJ plays tech-trance too, Raneem for example, but for some "weird" reason VERY few show up! And most of those very few are at the club/pub just by coincidence! :| lovely how local talent is appreciated. I say every now and then that if a Lebanese (real) DJ wants to make a career, he should move to England or Holland. Best places for Trance at least. Those organizers made EDM look like showbiz, commercial music, and all that ugly stinking stuff. It's all about the name now, not the music. They don't have the passion of music. Business is cruel and too bad they made the music scene cruel too. The kids complete the puzzle that ruins the scene.

I also agree with Gen, EDM shouldn't have been popularized. Anything that is popular loses quality with time and stops being as attractive as before. I just pray that EDM genres won't become commercial :? :? :? and just like Rania and many others in this forum, i have everything at home and enjoy the music i love the most whenever i want and wherever i want. At Ferry's gig in May i went for the first time to the VIP section, i can assure you that it wasn't the last time! It's nice to see a big crowd at a gig, but it depends what kind of crowd. And i don't want to enjoy my night surrounded by horny kids on E (doesn't concern the friends here :)). As for the public sex, it has already started (i'm sure that most of you know what example i have in my mind here).

Wanted to quote some sentences, but there's too much of them :P

Alain GREAT GREAT topic!! \o/

Off-topic, Rania you want to see Armin? :D Armin Only 29 November in Poland! :P
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Postby Qulture » Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:20 pm

good topic !

i think alot of places are facing the same problems .

The secret is to try and keep the scene as underground as possible. Have alot of private parties with close friends , book small clubs with local djs and control the door through guest lists , even try to have a couple of friends over to relax at your home garden and listen to a new cd for the first time ... !! all these things matter ..

i have to admit , i am almost 31 , and i dont party alot anymore , rarely go out clubbing , but enjoy alot of the private pool parties , gatherings , boat parties etc ... the secret is to control the people you invite .

and try to escape every once in a while and let go , i still do my yearly ibiza trip , i must admit , its still very good there , crowd wise , not alot of young people ruining it ... the equation is simple , avoid big name parties , such as Tiesto , Cream etc .. and if you are like me , and must see Ferry Corsten play at amnesia ibiza , then like e-sam said .. Go VIP , it makes all the difference ... i dont want to meet new people on the dance floor ... i have enough friends already, and dont need to feel the energy of the crowd , i have enough of my own !! thanx !!! :wink:

and as you grow older , and the BPMs start heading south , you also strart to appreciate beaches , lounges , cool restaurants that play nice music ... i am sooo into this scene right now .. its brilliant .. !

The problem is ... and i am sure , many old men on this forum will agree with me .. its very hard to leave EDM behind ... i really tried soo many times , i admit i am not as updated as i was 5 years ago .. but in general , you will always have a soft spot for it ... and you will always buy a new cd every once in a while, download a set , or even attend a gig ... !!
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Postby DonSerj » Sat Sep 06, 2008 5:35 pm


"Go UNDER Jojo's name" under?:P
"ENtrance is : LADIES NIGHT
All ladies for free
Guys fee : 22000 Lbp Including 1 DRINK + 1 WATER + OPEN CIGARETTES" ---------> Woooooooooooooooot? :S --- Legal?

2-in 12/9/2008
3-The best InternationaL deejay WHOS name will be announced in 19/9/2008 .

Your Deejays :

~~~DJ SPARK ~~~
Surprise Deejay in 6/9/08 DJ M.....
Surprise Deejay in 12/9/08 DJ C.....
Surprise Deejay in 19/9/08 DJ ......" -----------> guys, suspense .. the best international dj .. who's gonna fall for this :S?

"DONT FORGET THAT 10 TICKETS FOR Paul Van DYk will be given away , be 1 OF 10 LUCKY WINNERS !!!"

"THis event is Sponsored By :
-HAIR ZONE ( Youpala And Jovi )"
--->twazwaz wl be2e 3layna.
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Postby TranceFusion » Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:40 am

Best DJs? Just by looking at their names i can guess what kind of DJs they are! Cocaine? Cholera? XTC? Malaria? And if you add "L" to Dido, it becomes Dildo... *yuck*!!
And the sponsor is Hair Zone? Hello to wazawiz and their "totally awesome hair style"... pathetic!!!
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Postby Nicktalopia » Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:03 am

ah that shits weak!
In all honesty I really pity them,but these days you can't pity anyone and declare it you will be attacked with just 2 words "You're jealous"..yeah F*** right.

Anyway i respect and appreciate everyones opinion here,specially people i disagree with :lol: but move on! we're better off not wasting server space and threads talking about the "new ravers" and their styles i feel stupid just reading about them let alone discussing what they do.
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Postby samer » Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:56 am

Never argue with idiots. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience
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Postby Genesis » Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:32 am

If your trance was a pretty blonde ballerina; then what I listen to is a peed-off bulky bouncer pounding the living shit out of your ballerina.
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