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TranceHits.com • View topic - Radio Stations and the scene!

Radio Stations and the scene!

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Postby DIONYSOS » Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:50 pm

The only radio station that has been actually doing something over the past few years is MixFM, with its well-organized events that are attracting the world's top DJs from different EDM genres, and with quality EDM shows both local and global. With these contributions, we owe MixFM a whole lot for playing an integral role in helping the local EDM scene grow.

Naturally, nothing is perfect, and despite the unmatched efforts poured by MixFM, constructive criticism is always valid. Most of you already pointed out some interesting ideas, so I will go on listing a few points that, in my humble opinion, would better serve the "spread EDM" mission, even if they overlap with some of yours:

1) Supporting more local talent. maDJam and Amadeus are perhaps the most skilled DJs in Lebanon today and a source of national pride for us, but you can't build a healthy scene on just one Trance DJ and one House DJ, especially not with the fertility of sub-genres available for these two EDM genres (let alone all the other genres that are disregarded). Thus, I believe that more support for less-known DJs should be considered, and I believe that they're getting there slowly with the recent move of adding Stamina & Gunther to their roster in events. This is exactly what should be done: not replacing Amadeus and maDJam, but giving parallel exposure to rising talents through events and radio shows. Realistically speaking, you can't give each talented DJ his own radio show, due to time constraints and overlapping music styles, but they could perhaps start hosting bedroom DJs guestmixes on their current local shows, or doing something similar to RadioOne's "Tour Of DJs". And when a certain DJs proves himself worthy of exposure, then they can integrate him into their massive gigs, or go on organizing local events of these DJs, which brings me to my next point.

2) Organizing local events. MixFM are doing a tremendous job in getting the globe's most reverred DJs to perform in Lebanon under outstanding organization standards, and it seems RadioOne is now attempting to get a piece of the action too, which is great for the reasons Pathos pointed out. But no radio station is organizing appropriate small-scaled local events. Consequently, their resident DJs are only getting exposure through big events, without ever being themselves the "stars" of their own gig. This point should be stressed more by the radio stations, and it could very well serve in concordance with my first point, whereas when, say, maDJam gets his own House event, MixFM could allocate two less-known DJs to spin with him, one as a warm-up and one as a follow-up for example...

3) Education. I'll speak of Rhythm Nation since I'm much more knowledgeable in Trance than in House to speak of Club Frequency. Take RN for example: its playlists can easily be compared to any respectable Trance show on the globe, thus I consider it to be a decent Trance show. But what is its problem? It's played on Friday nights from 11 to 1 when most people are either out dining or clubbing (the same goes for the international shows as well), while those who manage to tune in hear great music without knowing a thing about what the tracks are or which producer's behind them. The tracklist is read out earlier on the show, that's a step forward, but that doesn't help much. What must be done is, in RN's case, a daytime show sometime during the mid-week where the DJ plays samples of the latest releases while giving brief information about the producer, the track, and everything about the release. This is the best way to educate people about the music they are hearing on the weekend, and would definitely increase the number of listeners to these weekend shows. Another method of education would be more real EDM tracks played throughout the week, not just known tracks by known producers, and perhaps an "EDM news bit of the day" on Dan Harper's daily show.

That's all I could think of right now, I'll get back to you if anything else comes to mind (in a much shorter post next time I promise :P)...
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Postby Path;)s ! » Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:27 pm

exactly what i was goin to say !
focus more on the local scene !! including madjam, amadeus, Gunts&Stams is really a good thing but they should do more ... like having a dj competition every once in a while and encouraging young talents ...
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Postby Gladius » Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:59 pm

the only thing i'd like to say the most is to thank the best radio station ever MixFM wich is doin a gr8 job seriously , espacially for events...however , it's disapointing to see a lack of EDM on the radio in our days...
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