^Stalin killed more people than Hitler ever did. He did absoluletly nothing good. All that scientific and space progress were scientists that happened to be in the country. nothing to do with him!
Communism was an absolute and UTTER failure. One of the biggest proponents of the idea, Karl Marx even proclaimed that it would never work in a country like Soviet Union (too big, too many different ethnic groups, 11 different timezones, etc.etc.). The idea in theory is alright but it doesn't factor in the notion that there are lots of lazy people, lots of stupid people that wouldn't do anything and would get something in return.
As for capitalism, well this year and the next 2yrs will prove what a failure total free-market capitalism has been. the best solution is an in between. Capitalism with major govt market regulation, higher taxes for rich people and some kind of social benefits: education, healthcare etc.
Or we can just move to a beach in thailand and shag ladyboys for $10/hr!!!!