wooooooooooot just 2 days before his gig in lebanon the flamish producer releases another awesome tune!
as usual the style is proper to baker ! the tune is melodic and uplifting!it starts similarly to confirmation s beat and then a breakdown followed by an outstanding melody! wow what a melody , i fell in love with it from the first time i heard it!
this is not enough, zooz fav producer again strikes with a great remix! alex morph really know what he s doin! the melody in the breakdown is more energetic with some new synths! wow what a remixe!!
in all this is an outstanding track! A MUST
here s the track list:
1-fred baker present sensation anthem belguim-friends forever(o.mix)09:20 min
2- fred baker present sensation anthem belguim-friends forever(alex morph remix) - 09:09 min
hope it s an intro for his set in beirut!