A new name emerges to the progg-psy trance scene delivering a blend of
melodic, progressive, and psychedelic trance on his first debute album at
Synergetic Records. I hope everybody would remember this solo project's
name for the future for it'll surely be behind a lot of monstrous productions.
The variation between tunes is very interesting: in many debute albums,
redundancy in sounds can be detected, sometimes it's so bright and in
others it quite ambiguous. Freelander has skillfully created a gap between
the sounds in his album. You can definitly tell that one producer is behind
those gems, but Freelander also featured a number of housey tunes from
the likes of Bigeye Jack, Smovexicate and Push the Beat Back.
The highly melodic piece Bash Boom Bay and the trippy electronic
Pink Paris and Astra are among the tunes that I prefered, but
I mostly enjoyed Liquid Lander, Sundance, and Beamer for being a
bit rougher than the rest though Beamer is more of a proggy but I
really loved it. Three different style can't go wrong for anybody!
Lovely album that melodic and progressive trance fans will enjoy. I hope
you could all get a hold of it: I'm positive you'll like it.
Album Art: