"Vinylgroover & The Red Head" aka Scott Attrill & Jim Sullivan are well known for their quality productions when it comes to hardtrance! their newest production is "Touch Me"
If you havent checked any of their productions, i urge you to.. if you're looking for something different, something that is more free and liberated in terms of music strucure then these guys are what you're looking for!
this track starts off with hard edged beats and one hell of a groovy bassline, something that could cause mayhem when dropped in a middle of a set! SCARY!! though got to warn you, the bassline is not for the weak hearted as it could really damage your heart.. and ears!
the track flows smoothly yet very powerful like all hardtrance tracks for like 4 minutes till we reach the breackdown.. piano pads, sweet female vocals and then an uplifting synths hit you in the face!! (talk about unorthodox production!!) then the beats kicks in and we get an uplifting hardtrancer!! something that's not so familiar to say the least.. WOW!!
the release contains also another remix (Furioux Mix) which is a more plain hardtrancer interpretation of the original mix.. though it might be appealing to hardtrance fans.. the whole story for me lies in the original mix!!
01.vinylgroover & the red head - touch me (original mix) -- 08:21
02.vinylgroover & the red head - touch me (furious mix) -- 06:10