Artist :: Solarstone_Vs_Sirocco
Title :: Release Destination
Label :: DeepBlue Records
Catalogue :: DEEPCD0705
Genre :: Progressive Trance
Tracks :: 02
A release that will surely draw a smile on SamEr's face as he is a fan of both artists. A new Solar Stone for everyone here, but sadly not "Like A Waterfall" (will it ever get a release?), and not half as good either. Simple repeating melody with a male vocal moaning out "let me fly". SS has done so much better in the past! Sirocco comes along the rescuing duties, unveiling his latest creation that goes by the name of Destination: a long and lovely journey piloted by a simple sweet melody that sent me to the pre-2000 era of Trance. It also has a certain Jean-Michel Jarre feel to it... Anyway, all you trancers need to get your hands on this release!
01.Solarstone - Release [09:32]
02.Sirocco - Destination [11:24]