across the globe to australia this time. Sonic Dragon returns with another album soaked in psychedelia.
from deep in the southern hemisphere, australia's crowned king of funky melodies, Benza, is back wd his second album, taking trancers back in time to give a new vision of the future.
Retrofuturism will get me smiling in the morning, and grooving in the evening, just the way i like it and he's 1st album was such a pleasure to listen to. can't deny he might sound a bit groovy n kinda magical, but it really is good for a change.
1. Isis and Osiris
2. The ascension of Smeagol
3. Duck and cover
4. Escalation of tensions
5. Last of the V8 interceptors
6. Depth perception
7. Soiled
8. The pipe doctor
9. The twin complex of dawn
10. Captain senior mouse