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TranceHits.com • View topic - Connected Music Sampler volume 1

Connected Music Sampler volume 1

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Connected Music Sampler volume 1

Postby Roland » Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:36 am



Release Date:
Feb 2005


Connected music are a new label hailing from Nottingham in the UK. There are some awesome releases lined up for these guys, guaranteed to tickle your fancy one way or the other. First up is a limited sampler, giving original versions of tracks with forthcoming remixes on the label. Side A has Factoria - Twisting Free, while Side B is Taxi - Distance, a production from hot US act Filo & Peri.

Factoria - Twisting Free

The more uplifting of the two tracks, UK producer Factoria has produced a dreamy, melody fuelled monster with sweet female vocals. From the first beat there are enough twists and sparkly effects to give this track instant energy, so by the time the bassline drops in it is already firing. More and more layers of different sounding synths are added to the blend which has found this track favour with the usual suspects Ferry, Armin etc. By the time the lush breakdown has introduced the shimmering main lead the crowd will be in the palm of your hand, leaving nothing but a huge explosion of energy when the beat kicks back in. This is truly fabulous stuff.

Filo & Peri present Taxi - Distance

An altogether more relaxed affair on offer here, with Filo & Peri using dreamy effects and an offbeat bassline as introduction to the track. In stark contrast to the A side, here the emphasis is more on groove and progressive rhythms to provide the interest, which the US stars more than manage. The breakdown adds an ethereal, oriental flute like melody and female "aaah" vocals to add to the synth work, and kicks back in with some tribal percussion for 32 bars before the regular bassline is brought back in. Every listen reveals a new layer to the track, which is perfect for an earlier set.


Hunt this one down, it's a real beauty. Factoria's track is a peak time stormer with layer upon layer of synth and a brilliant drive, while 'Distance' is a strong, groovy progressive track. Also watch out for the forthcoming remixes, 'Twisting Free' being given the once over by Miika Kuisma, and 'Distance' remixed in more uplifting fashion by Will Holland and Fractal Structure.

For a more comprehensive label review click here or visit the newly launched Connected Music website:

Source: Trance.Nu
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Trance FrEaK
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