Subconsciousmind is Raphael Huber.
In 2000 he released his first album 'Unprofassional'. In the following years he often played live and worked assiduously on his second album. Only a single song on a compilation and his liveacts revealed how his album would be.
After 3 years of work, 2003, it was finished. With his second album 'Gfuehlsweid', Subconsciousmind opens new paths.
Beside the mainstream he convinces with warm, soulful and meaningful music.
He combines a strong and solid bass- and beatfoundation with beautiful, unintrusive melodies and sophisticated, interwoven, nested but partially also simple sounds.
His music is liquid, smooth but without loosing intensity. The opposite is true, the songs on his album are moving, intensive, and not too few one needs to take some deep breaths after one of his songs.
Style: Psytrance
Released: Dec. 2004
1. Coldness
2. Inner struggle
3. On the edge
4. Death experience
5. Moodconverter
6. Childhood
7. Spring feelin
8. Release