Sean Walsh ~ Time Lapse

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Sean Walsh ~ Time Lapse

Postby DIONYSOS » Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:05 pm

[align=center]Sean Walsh ~ Time Lapse [Original Mix][/align]
The track starts off with some dark beats, added to which are a few percussive elements that make the buildup quite interesting. 3 minutes go by and it's breakdown time. Dark pads, very emotional, slightly getting brighter with the progression, some minimal keys running in the background, a drumroll, and bang! The beat drops back in and the energy jumps back up. Fuve and a half minutes through and the second breakdown falls upon us. The dark pads are still there, with a different melody than earlier, but in this breakdown it's all about the keys. This dreamy piece of work is hence turned into an uplifting stormer, so there's a bit of everything for everyone in this release, and brilliantly so.

[align=center]Sean Walsh ~ Time Lapse [Faraway Project Remix][/align]
The Faraway Project remix starts off brigher, much brighter, with a very jumpy & "happy" bassline. The lead melody is happy as well, with some quality Acid played in the background (a treat to DIPPS' ears). 3.5 minutes in and it's time for the most crucial part of any Trance track - the breakdown. Dreamy pads too, but brighter, much brighter than the original, to which are added very uplifting keys, making this remix truly different than the original. Great remix in my opinion, making this a really great release that is essential to your collection. Don't miss out on it!
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