DJ Eco - And We Flew Away

DJ Eco has built quite the rep over the past year or so with some impressive productions and remixes, including his "American Blues EP," "Kids Of New York" and his remix of Steve Brian's "Starlight." His latest outing is a one-track single titled "And We Flew Away." As we all know Eco is capable of holding his own so a lack of remixes shouldn't be a problem.
Original Mix
Chunky percs and lush, sweeping FX instantly create a very airy, floaty feeling. The track soon incorporates the grumbling yet smooth bassline which is soon joined by approaching plucks and other Eco-esque synthy bits. The track really picks up some serious drive by the time the breakdown begins to take over. The flow/arrangement is so smooth, which is what we come to expect with Eco. A squelchy arpeggio-like riff soon filters in and the track more or less swells up then down before getting back up on its feet again. The chorus theme soon emerges; it has a very warm, triumphant feeling that just paints a smile right across my face. The track gradually builds back up again with the gorgeous theme lasting for about a minute longer before drifting away in a very subtle manner. Impressive!
As I see it, "And We Flew Away" is Eco's best since "Tonight Is Forever" and is pretty much perfect. I highly recommend giving it a listen if you haven't already. 5/5.