Thrillseeker’s ’Synaesthesia 2004’ for free!

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Thrillseeker’s ’Synaesthesia 2004’ for free!

Postby Transparance » Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:31 am


As IFPI drags downloaders to court certain members of the record industry wants to stimulate new distribution channels by encouraging legal downloading. To celebrate the release of the Synaesthesia 2004 remix package Adjusted Music, with The Thrillseekers in the drivers seat, have decided to give away the Thrillseekers 2004 remake for free.

The catch is to sign up to the Adjusted news letter at their website, But then again, who wouldn’t like to be kept updated with information on one of the scene’s most exciting newcomer labels? had a go and can confirm that it works. While compiling this piece of news nothing but the sweet sounds of The Thrillseekers’ ‘Synaesthesia 2004’ filled the office, without having to spend a dollar!

So, get out of your chair and surf over to to sign up for their news letter and a free copy of the 2004 mix of ‘Synaesthasia’, that’s propa’ Bo I tell ya!

If you like what you hear, try a few more of Adjusted Music’s releases avaliable for download at -
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Postby e-sam » Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:52 am

Great news!!! FREE Trance music go get it folks this one rocks!!!
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Postby TRANCExual » Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:33 pm

ya,i've read that on thrillseekers website one month ago.This was also to encourage people to vote for "thrillseekers" in "djmag".
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Postby Thirix » Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:08 pm

yeah,but they didnt release much this year..neither did they do much gigs.they werent that active.correct me if im wrong.
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