With great pleasure i once more review another beautiful track by my dear friend Transparance. This time he delivers a sweet progressive trancer which IMHO is his best production so far..
the track starts with a warm progressive bassline with some groovy kicks along some sweet dreamy synths (Elevation style!!) playing a beautiful melody/hook that stays till around minute 4 when we reach the breakdown with some phat deep synths marking another new melody and preparing just for the come backof the progressive bassline. then it all join the previous sweet melody and harmonically go altogether playing both melodies and forming a warm fine trancer that surely shows the talent of our young friend!!
the best news is that with his permission we got you a low quality version of this track for you to check and maybe comment about it
http://www.trancehits.com/files/Transpa ... s.com_.mp3
great work Transparance and best of luck in all your upcoming productions