Behind Blue Eyes is one of the new names on the prog-psy scene
and this is their first artist album and what an album! What a break
through! The duo consists of Rene, also writing as Beat Bizarre, and
Michael Banel, Iboga label head and Dj through 3 decades. The album,
released on Iboga Records, features 9 skillfully composed tunes from the
finest in prog-psy trance that will never fail to impress.
Rough, minimal, with amazing tingly melodies in some tunes and a margin
of 140 bpm & groovy pumpy basslines is the outcome of many years of
experience and presence on the scene what led them to acquire a rich and
exquisite sense of creativity that is smacks every cell in my head and
crawls on the inner walls of my skull as we speak. Magical, mystic,
mysterious and wierd combination between the soft and rough. A highly
pioneering sound that the samples might fail to show, but nontheless
definitly existant in those 9 gems that I found considerable difficulty in
choosing ''a favorite'' from them.
Every single tune of the album is worth a listen, I truely loved and it and
highly recommend it to Dion and whomever else is into progtrance.
Good stuff!
Album Art: