Sonicvibe ~ Desert Island | Nostalgia

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Sonicvibe ~ Desert Island | Nostalgia

Postby DIONYSOS » Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:39 pm

ArtisT........: Sonicvibe
TitlE.........: Desert Island Nostalgia
LabeL.........: Somatic Sense
Cat.Nr........: SOMATIC015
GenrE.........: Uplifting Trance
TrackS........: 03

Energetic and emotional, Sonicvibe synthetized a blend of both ends of the diameter in Desert Island - a total club stomper with its relentless beat and aggressive bassline, and equally a breath of fresh air to the ears with its simple yet emotional melody. Nostalgia features an even bigger build-up that gets you pumped from the early beginnings until the breakdown suddenly falls upon you to give the dance-floor a well-deserved break, not for long though, because by the time you catch back your breath a new melody begins its emergence from the inferior depths, and trust me, it's no melody you can resist losing it to, especially when that driving beat strikes back and unleashes ravishing mayhem. Another mix of Desert Island, done by Sonicvibe as well, seals another mind-blowing release from Somatic Sense. A must to all of you!

01. Sonicvibe - Desert Island 07:25
02. Sonicvibe - Nostalgia 07:10
03. Sonicvibe - Desert Island (Sonicvibe's Sand Leaper Mix) 07:18
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