Artist ............ : Matthew Dekay Vs Proluctors
Title ............. : The Deep Show (Incl DJ Remy Remix)
Record label ...... : Electronic Elements
Genre ............. : House
01.The Deep Show (Original Mix) 09:29
02.The Deep Show (DJ Remy Remix) 07:58
Well well well.. what have we got here
New Matthew Dekay... on Electronic Elements!!
This track has been raved about for ages already since he played it
first somewhere last year. Armin has picked it up not too long after
that and made sure he got it signed right away
Stunning Original Mix with an awesome buildup and an equally great
make this one of the hottest tunes of the year so far
On the other side we have the Remy Remix which is something totally
different than the Orig.... Solid grooves and a pumping bassline gives
a more housey feel to it
Concluding this rel is nothing short of amazing... something everyone
should pick up asap when they get the chance... as is everything by
current personal hero Dekay... one of THE people for the future!