[align=center]Ridgewalkers featuring El ~ Find [Markus Schulz Intro Mix][/align]
The breathtaking Vocal House tune that was remixed by the almighty Andy Moor just received a fix from the GDJB man himself Markus Schulz. A beautiful intro that extendes slightly over 2 minutes gives us a hint on what Markus did with the vocals, and I can tell you it's not at all disappointing! A full-on progbeat soon joins the party, with one hell of a driving bassline, and it doesn't take the ecclectic vocals long to join in as well, portraying Markus' skills in taking something so refined and turning into something even more refined. The sweet melody is soon introduced as well, followed by yet another artistry work on the vocals, then a soft string to make things even trancier. The combination of carefully crafted beat, pounding bassline, enchanting vocals, and trancy layers of sound make this track a true masterpiece; it's definetly my current favorite!