by Genesis » Fri Oct 22, 2004 3:34 pm
30$.. don't be cheap man! after all, those record labels r making the
money from us. copying music or illegal downloads destroys the music
industry and establishes many limitation on the musical spread and retail.
u want to come to a day where there's isn't productions in retail markets?
fine..i say that's good..everything will be digital like Ipod and whatsoever
and all ur downloads will be paid for by a credit card.
what u gonna do then? cum on man, u don't have to buy everything to
enjoy trance and make urself bankrupt, nor u have to copy everything coz
it's cheap. buy stuff that r worth it and that shapesthe sound u wanna
listen to. don't gt me wrong, but the market here is much more active then
in lebanon concerning dance music releases, and downloading is available,
but i only buy what i need and what's good enough to listen to (this varies
on different individualistc aspects)... u don't have to have 2GB of trance
on ur PC when u can gt 5 CDs that simply says it all.
in fact, having a release in the market (that is by the way never 30$)
makes u more elective and a better listener coz ur not just buying
randomly whatever's gt in ur way. and when u buy it, u'll make the most
of it: u'll read the sleeve notes maybe, or register to the record's
mail list or whatever! stop downloading music mate...