Altitude ~ Sunray

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Altitude ~ Sunray

Postby DIONYSOS » Sat Oct 09, 2004 9:02 pm

For a track to be remixed by Airwave, it oughta be good! Add that to the fact that I simply can't lay my hands on an Airwave release without reviewing it :P

[align=center]Altitude ~ Sunray [Original Mix][/align]
Altitude a.k.a. Steve Gibbs start off their track with a progressive beat & bass, with a couple of piano notes in the background. A couple of minutes in the track and you hear a slight female choir, added to which are some very soft and emotional lead keys. Approximately 3.5 minutes through is breakdown time: that female choir, those emotional keys, the main melody, and bang! The track explodes into oblivion, shedding light on a very sweet & emotional Trance tune. Beautiful stuff, has all the requirements to fly you to another world.

[align=center]Altitude ~ Sunray [Airwave Remix][/align]
Has Laurent ever took on remixing a track and ended up with something less nice than the original? Of course not! :P Typical Airwavian beat from the head start: strong kick and smooth buildup rich in all sorts of effects. A minute and a half in the track and a driving bassline is thrown in, added to which are those heavenly vocals. A couple of minutes later the melody starts rising from the dark, but it's only a full minute after that that things really ignite. Naturally, I'm talking about the breakdown, and Airwave's breakdowns need no introduction. Dazzling, simply dazzling. Take a listen to this remix and you'll know why Airwave is my favorite producer.
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Postby The Phoenician » Sun Oct 10, 2004 12:48 am

Khayyi Lolo ma fi mitlou ;-)
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