Airbase ~ Pandemonium | Ocean Realm

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Airbase ~ Pandemonium | Ocean Realm

Postby DIONYSOS » Sat Oct 02, 2004 12:11 pm

Your reviewer is back! I had a rough last week, getting settled in with my new university schedule and all that. This is going to be a very tough & time-consuming semester for me, but I surely promise to try my best in keeping my contributions to the forum as high as possible. Excuse me for my slight absence, but I'm back baby!

[align=center]Airbase ~ Pandemonium [Original Mix][/align]

What better way to make a come-back than with a review of an Airbase release! Deep, very deep beats head start, promising a dark track perhaps? This is what the beats indicate, but knowing Airbase, there is always sunshine after the rain :) Very interesting bassline (Airbase's strong point in my opinion), it even includes a couple of "slap bass" notes! At 2:39, a phat sound is introduced, the kind that would make a crowd go wild, immediately followed by that initial dark beat. This is where the 'sun starts shining'! The melody starts getting hinted, and you could tell that Airbase isn't just ready to let go of his amazingly uplifting melodies. All sorts of effects are at play from here on... if only I had the technical words to describe them! Regardless, 5:30 brings along the breakdown. Deep trancy sound rising from the abyss, soon exalted into an uplifting melody that is bound to raise ravers' hands high in the sky. Monster tunage by Jezper, whose quality releases have never disappointed our highly-critical ears.

[align=center]Airbase ~ Ocean Realm [Original Mix][/align]

The flipside starts off brighter than the A-side, even more uplifting too! Once again, interesting work on the bassline. At 1:30, the lead is thrown in, and the breakdown-tease commences. The track keeps building up very energeticly, until the breakdown is finally reached, leaving your reviewer in nerve-racking anticipation of what is to come. The nerve-racking anticipation is soon transformed into eye-popping amazement, with (believe it or not) a sort of Oriental melody (watch out Robert Gitelman! :P)! Amazingly uplifting, amazingly energetic... heartbreaking, simply heartbreaking. I can picture AMADEUS jumping up and down like crazy in the studio this week because of this masterpiece.

This is one of those releases that, once you hear the A-side you go "this can't get any better!", then the B-side starts playing and you change your mind :P Two thumbs up for the release, and hats down for Airbase, who I now consider as one of my favorite Uplifting Trance producers.
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Postby Transparance » Sat Oct 02, 2004 4:45 pm

OMG!!! I wish I could make bass-lines lika him!!!
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Postby Dreamboy » Sat Oct 02, 2004 6:43 pm

I believe this is one of the most anticipated releases for this year ... finally its released ... hopefully i will hear them on RN ;)
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