Since the quality is low, i can't fairly talk about the quality of the track because some of the kicks sound low and have a lil' cut while playing it (maybe due to the bpm?). After the 00:55 mark, the melody just completely cuts off...but i like the next track (Vocal). 01:45...what a difference, not really smooth ... but once again, i can't tell cuz of the quality. Going on ... Too much noise during the mixing, but the choice isn't that bad. I can hear Cocaine coming up ... and once u switch the track to it, the other song just goes away as if its been unplugged when someone tripped on the cable :S . (Oh btw...nice use of the flanger...but u cut it too short). Now coming to Castles in the Sky ... the beatmatching isn't done right....once again too much noise. Its not such a bad bootleg if you're considering it your first. A lot of work could be done to make this work...still, great job .
p.s: I'm not saying ur work is shit or degrading you, i'm just giving my opinion...only to hope that it gets better, thats all . Cheers