let me share some productions over here!
http://sarmad0.free.fr/MyMusic/najib%20 ... 2004%20mix).mp3
this is my rather "poppish" production.. it's dance music but it got a trancey bassline and lots of trancey effects.. so I guess I can safely say that it's a vocal trance tune.
The original song is by wadi3 assafi (lebanese by the way

The file got the 1st half.. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the "rebuild" and introduce another beaty part till the end.. I'll try to finish it as soon as i get time.
http://sarmad0.free.fr/MyMusic/najib%20 ... s%20(beta1).mp3
this is a track that I like so much (coz it got lots of harmonies) but I unfortunately lost some fruityloops files of it lol so i'll have to work on it later..
http://sarmad0.free.fr/MyMusic/glassy_m ... 20preview2).mp3
this is a remastered mix of a trance tune that I had made for a competition on trance.nu (it was envio who won if i remember well, so dont blame me for not winning

the original mix : http://sarmad0.free.fr/MyMusic/najib%20 ... inal%20mix).mp3
some of my older (a bit crappier

let me know if u listened to any of these tracks! feedback is appreciated!