Alright since you asked for a feedback here it is.
For an amateur giving production a shot,it isn't that horrible.
But if you were looking for producer's attention or i duno a radio station playing it then you're still way behind,for a lot of reasons.
The track has a very noisy start,the patterns do no blend as they're supposed to,if it was meant to be a Trance track then you're missing the whole point,trance to some percentage needs math to sound right,4,16 beats equation,and a solid beats intro is needed to make your tune sound as perfect as the tracks you hear on big radio shows,still not considering what the track is built out of,just the structure is weak and miss-matched from the start to the middle followed till the end.
To get the unique sound you need a unique sound bank to work on,or try building your own,public sound samples cant give you a rich single.
Another thing is that i don't get why what sounded like Acid Guitar suddenly struck into the track without any leveling or even a semi lower sound to prepare it's entrance.
(I know Arabs take things to heart but I'm not criticizing just giving honest remarks.)
Nice try for a starter.
Would love to check another track or a modified version of this one.