Kamil & Aziz, I don't know why are you riding your horses over this; over and over again Ferguson has proven that he doesn't need huge names to win. He's always fished out young talent that we've never heard of and turned them to mega-money transfer targets after their development.
Real Madrid will fall down flat on their faces; you can't put so much talent in the one team and expect it to gel together seamlessly. Too much is as good as too little. Here's the difference between Madrid and United: players don't make clubs, clubs are the ones that make the player. Madrid buys players that are in their prime, chew them for a few years, and spit them out as useless junk in 4-years-time.
I admire the financial power of Madrid especially in an economic climate like this but I pity them for being foolish to spend 200 Mill on 4 players when with a little intelligence and good vision from their manager, can fish out players technically for free and turn them into life-long loyals for the team (Raul, Morientes, & Cassilas being the absolute rare few).
The money they've spent have had FIFA and UEFA flipping in their grave and yet the grandpas in those institutions does nothing about it.
I'm glad Ronaldo left United: the kid's head has grown too large for the team and Ferguson has always done that; when you think you're bigger than the club, you're out (Beckham & van Nistilroy lead the pack). Modern day players have to understand; the club doesn't work for you, you work for the club! And above all, you're a member of a team that has helped you become the mega-star that you are by supporting you & giving you chances to score. I don't believe he scored 42 goals in the 07/08 campaign be getting the ball in his own 6 yard box and getting all the way across to score...
He's not Serge Blanco...

... And for that matter, nobody is
Barcelona will slaughter them, if and only if, they can fix their defense first.