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Postby Roland » Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:43 am

// Asthma //

f you are an asthmatic, you should be aware of the additional risks that you are exposed to when raving.

While most dance drugs don't seem to affect asthma directly, there are dangers. An asthma attack can be triggered by several factors:

Smoke: Hot, smoky nightclubs are not friendly environment for your lungs. Stick to well ventilated areas if possible. Also remember that it is not a good idea for asthmatics to smoke anything, as this impairs lung function.

Exercise: Many forms of asthma are triggered by aerobic exercise, such as dancing.

Panic attack: Some drug users (especially first time users) experience panic attacks as a result of the onset of the drug. Panic can sometimes trigger an asthma attack. If this happens to you, calm down, rest and wait for the feelings of fear to pass.

Adulterants: Many ecstasy pills contain other substances. Some, like ephedrine, have been used in the treatment of asthma. Atropine has been found in a few pills, and is particularly dangerous for asthmatics.

Staying Safe:

* If you are on medication, make sure that you take it, and always carry an inhaler with you in case of attack. Pay attention to your body's warning signs. If in doubt, find somewhere to rest and chill out.;

* If you are taking any substances, remember that moderation is always safer;

* If you are with friends, ensure that they know of your condition and how to respond if you do have an attack. If you have chronic asthma, you might also consider getting a Medic Alert bracelet;

* Many asthmatics have been raving safely for years: just take the necessary care and precautions.


The sound systems at raves and clubs are normally very big and powerful. Whilst it is fun (for some) to dance in front of the speakers, you should be careful about the damage that excessive sound pressure levels can produce. This is measured in decibels (dB's) .

Noise above 85dB for over 8 hours carries a serious risk of causing permanent hearing loss. As the decibels rise, so the safe listening period shortens. At high levels like 145 dB, this is reduced to 7 seconds before hearing loss can occur. Ringing and inner ear tickling is a sign that damage is happening to your cochlear hair cells, so be careful since this damage can be permanent. This can ultimately cause deafness, which might only occurs 10 to 20 years later. This deafness is irreversible and permanent. Taking regular breaks from the dance floor can help but wearing good ear plugs greatly reduces the risks of damage.

// Safe Raving //

* Always have water with you on the dance floor. Drink some even if you're not thirsty. A good idea is to take one of those large bottles of mineral water with you. Don't hesitate to share your water: soon you might need some too ! But be careful about doggy water.

* Establish CLEAN water taps, exit points, the location of the paramedics and of course the RaveSafe stand, before you start to party.

* Because of the good vibes some drugs like E create within people, there unfortunately tend to be people who realise the potential for manipulation. If you don't know the guy from a bar of soap, don't just go off with him.

* One of the most important things, if you are going to take drugs, is to have trustworthy friends with you. Make sure they know what's going on. If you feel unsafe or uncomfy at any time you should feel confident that they're there for you. This doesn't mean that they have to remain straight the whole time - just be INFORMED. Knowledge is power.

* If you get tired and you feel drowsy, go to a chill area - girls, take a friend with you. If you're tired and by yourself & someone is giving you major hassles, find the closest place to sit down amongst a lot of people.

* Feel comfortable with your clothing, attitude and environment and never panic - keep a clear head. Remember that this is not some eternal euphoric paradise. Feel confident that you can handle whatever comes your way and remember what the consequences could be.

* Make sure your shoes are comfortable, with thick and stable soles.


After all the strain and abuse your body goes through on a hectic weekend, it's no wonder you feel like you've been hit by a bus on Monday or Tuesday. No-one enjoys feeling like that and you owe it to yourself to replace what the weekend took out of you. The section will help combat the depression and general hangover following a 'jol'.

Before going out: Not many people like to eat before a party, so try drinking a protein shake, this will line your stomach and give you energy. Banana's and pasta will do the same. Liquid carbohydrates are great too.

When you get home: Start the 'flushing' process before you go to bed.
- Drink some water- preferably no-sparkling mineral water;
- Vitamin C - contains anti-oxidants;
- Protein shakes are good as you probably won't be hungry!
- Yoghurt and banana's are good too.

The morning after: One of the reasons you feel fuzzy-headed is because of all the chemical and mineral imbalances in your body, and lack of sleep. After you've eaten, take an anti-oxidant. These push all the toxins out of your blood. These are available at any chemist or supermarket. Take a good multi-vitamin containing Vitamin A, C ,E, Coenzyme Q10.
- The idea is to flush your system so drink fluids (no coffee / tea) and eat lots of fruit;
- Rest and Relaxation are important to restore your strength;
- Heavy foods must be avoided (eg bread, potatoes, meat ) as these sit in your system for days;
- Foods high in fibre (cereal, veg. ) are a good idea.

Exercise is one of the best ways to get your blood circulating. DO NOT go to gym the morning after as your heart has been through enough! However, any aerobic exercise will do you wonders.

If you have access to a sauna or steam bath : sit inside for 10 / 15 minutes until you're really hot. Then go and have a cold shower. Then go back to the sauna and back to the shower. This causes your blood vessels to dilate - constrict - dilate - constrict and this will get those toxins out of your blood.

Knowledge Is Power.

Be Responsible And...

.... If You Do Drugs, Don't Let Drugs Do You.

More Info/Tips At http://www.RaveSafe.org.za
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Postby Icepick » Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:48 am

Thanks for the info Roland but i have a question is it a good idea to put some ear plugs when you go to a rave ??

and about the sauna thing i might try that i have a sauna in the basement :mrgreen:!!!!!
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Postby Tala » Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:49 am

Very interesting topic you got here Roland.. People do have to know all these information in order to avoid the consequences..

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Postby Trancestral » Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:02 pm

Essential Information ! Thanks for sharing it Roland !
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Postby paulj419 » Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:10 pm

thanks for the cool useful info man,...
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Postby Roland » Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:18 pm

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Postby Icepick » Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:47 pm

once upon a time there was a boy that was born to make a change in this cruel world of mortals. this boy became a man and this man became old and died. thats about it..
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Postby Path;)s ! » Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:28 pm

rave safe ppl and dt 4get ur ear plugs !
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Postby candy » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:03 pm

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Postby samlbronkowitz » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:06 pm

Are you ready to go on a musical trip with me, through love...happiness...music....AND PARTY TIME?

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Postby Proof » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:14 pm

- Rodrigo Mateo - Carbon Monoxide (Praveen Achary Remix) [Baires Records]
- Alter Breed - Blue White (Praveen Achary Remix) [Spherax Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Butterflies [Mirabilis Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Pull My Legato [MakTub Music]
- Praveen Achary - Crossover (Incl remixes by Fiord, Manuel Sofia (MOS) & Tanseer) [MakTub Music]
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Postby Moudy » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:21 pm

am deaf already :mrgreen:
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Postby candy » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:23 pm

Sorry, but no. I can't stand having little soft smelly things shoved in my ears. That's just plain disgusting. Ever seen what those things look, or smell like when you take them out? Man that's gross. I'd rather die.

HAVE FUN WITH THEM THOUGH!!!!!!!!! FEED THEM TO YOUR PETS WHEN YOU'RE DONE! (If they're the disposable kind!).
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Postby Proof » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:34 pm

^ what the HELL ARE you putting in your ear?!?! I would never put cheap ear plugs in my ears ... fck that shit. No wonder you have bad experience with them.
- Rodrigo Mateo - Carbon Monoxide (Praveen Achary Remix) [Baires Records]
- Alter Breed - Blue White (Praveen Achary Remix) [Spherax Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Butterflies [Mirabilis Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Pull My Legato [MakTub Music]
- Praveen Achary - Crossover (Incl remixes by Fiord, Manuel Sofia (MOS) & Tanseer) [MakTub Music]
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Postby candy » Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:17 pm

LOL!!! Those squishable ones! They're really fun to play with (when they're still clean). Try it!!!!!!
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