He first saw the light of day on 7 April 1977 in the former East Germany. He spent his childhood in prefabricated high-rise blocks in a housing estate in Görlitz, Saxony. As early as in fourth grade he started to organize school discos together with some classmates. "At that time music still came from cassette recorders. At the beginning of Reunification of East and West Germany in 1989 Matthias added a CD-player and a mixer to his collection. So, the first parties could take place at the high age of 12." It soon became clear who was to rule the area behind the mixer. During this time Matthias developed an unrestrained desire for working as a DJ and making music by himself. But something was still missing. "In 1993 I broke my leg in a sports accident. Henry approached me and asked
whether I'd like to make some music with him. He took me into a smokey club and I knew I didn't merely want to organize school discos but I wanted more."
Of course, he had to apply for a DJ vacancy and promptly got the job in a respected discotheque. Here he came into contact with the "black gold" (records) for the first time. As of now he rarely used CDs. At the beginning he had some mixing problems but quickly adjusted to the turntables and spent every spare minute behind them. "At that time I often played Rotterdam beats beyond the 160 bpm." He soon received invitations from larger discos.
During this time he began an apprenticeship as a painter and decorator. "This really pissed me off." But in 1996 he received his certificate of completion of an apprenticeship. Far away he concentrated on his skills as a DJ until he started his alternative service in 1998. Not even this could make him stop standing behind the turntables every spare minute. The first recordings with Henry (see discography) came on the market.
In 1999 he chucked his job as a painter and decorator and started a course of training as an assistant in IT for business which he finished successfully in 2001.
After countless unsuccessful applications he finally concentrated totally on his music, calling himself "Stoneface".
Since then he has also changed his type of music. He was captivated by the sounds of Mauro Picotto, Marco Bailey, Umek, Chris Liebing, etc. He is co-producer in his studio, beside Henry. Nevertheless working behind the turntables is still his favourite occupation...
Henry Nix aka Terminal

Henry was born on 18 December 1976 in Görlitz, the sixth of seven sons.
He spent his childhood in the midst of a large family. As a toddler he already hammered beats with his head against his cot. Since hippie music was the latest style at that time nobody understood what he was doing...
His schooling began in 1983 and one year later he had to change schools owing to a move of house and met Matthias. On no account were they friends at that time, but this was to change a couple of years later...
In 1989 he got his first small keyboard. From this time on, his mother was involved in discussions with neighbours on the interpretation of the term "acceptable noise".
He then developed a feeling for music and began to create his own tunes. Together with some schoolmates he founded his first band, "Echoplex", in 1991. One couldn't call this 'music' since all of them just hammered away on their keyboards. The others quickly lost their interest and so Henry was on the lookout for a like-minded person.
In 1992 he and Matthias came to know eachother better and it was soon clear that both liked the same things. "I took him to our usual club. He was sitting there with his leg in plaster and everybody liked him. I still do not know why (laughing). But he knew a lot about music and apart from that one could get up to all kinds of things with him." Thus, a big friendship developed.
In 1993 Henry went with his brother to Aalen (Baden-Württemberg) to start his apprenticeship as a painter and decorator. At this time he obtained an AMIGA 500, with which he created his first finished piece on 4 tracks in 8-bit quality. "Whenever I came to Görlitz I met up with Matthias and we assessed these tapes together with innocent enthusiasm. Slowly we added more technology and thus the quality of the single pieces improved noticeably. Meanwhile we could try out some creations in discos and clubs."
In 1996 Henry achieved his certificate of completion of an apprenticeship and completed his national service in Allgäu. After that nothing could hold him there and he went back to Görlitz. From that time on music was the centre of his attention. Together with Matthias he founded several projects (see discography). The most recent and hopefully most successful one is "Stoneface vs. Terminal"...
...and when you're very quiet at night you can hear a gentle boom, boom, boom from his small-scale studio...