You are pretty young, but still you have came very
far, whats the recipe for getting a carreer like
Don't think you'll get rich in this business. Music
and money don't mix. Always make music with your
heart. Don't listen to others, but pick some good
elements out of their advice. Make what you think
is pretty and don't make what you think 'might sell'.
Question: You have been working with guys like Ferry Corsten
as well as DJ Tiesto, what do you think of them
both on a personal level as well as musically?
Besides from being really nice and honest persons,
I think their very tallented and really focussing
on their music. They've become big because they've
always believed in their own music.
Question: What are your plans for the future?
Finishing my Law Study, make an album, co-operate
with BIG artist, do a radio show, continue with
compilations and my label (armind)
Question: Why are you releasing so many tunes under so
many different names?
I have different styles in
me, and I want to combine that with different names.
Question: Do you also work as a DJ or are you just producing
I DJ a lot... Just back from UK, Ibiza and Japan,
to name but a few countries.
Question: What is your personal favorite track made by
Rising Star- touch me, Gaia- 4 elements, Wamdue
project remix.
Question: What are your greatest source of inspiration?
Listening to ALL kinds of music and picking the
right elements.
Question: (When) Will there be a complete Armin Van Buuren
Jip, but maybe under the name 'Rising Star'.
Question: What do you do when you dont do music-related
Study, having Sex, watching movies, hanging
out with friends.
Question: Whats the best memory from all of your performances?
DJ-ing in Japan and UK.
Question: Whats your worst memory then?
A recent DJ gig I did in Holland...</b>
Question: If you have your own studio, what equipment
du you use?
Many other amateur trance-artists
might wonder!
I have my own studio, powered by a big soundcraft
Ghost mixer. A big PC, a mac with Logic audio, AKAI
S3000XL and S5000 samplers, Access Virus, Lexicon
mPX1, ensoniq DP4+, Roland JV2080 with A LOT of
expansion boards, Yamaha TX81Z, Roland JD800 + JD990,
JX 3p, JX8P, Yamaha FS1R, Korg MS 2000R, DAT machines,
Turntabels, mics etc.etc.
Question: What do you think of the internet audio format
Nice way to communicate, shit what it does to the
Question: What instrument can you play?
Question: Are you having plans on quitting music, or will
you go on forever?
I will never make it a 24-hours job, and I'll never
Question: What do you think of the growing popularity
of drugs in the trance-culture?
I don't use drugs, I don't need it. Next question
Question: And last but not least, when will you release
your next single and what will the name be?
Rising Star- Touch me, with DaRude, Vincent de Moor,
Armin van buuren mixes. Alibi- Eternity with DJ
Tiesto on Armind.