Matt Lange ft Kerry Leva - Anywhere with you is home

Lyrics of EDM vocal tracks.

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Matt Lange ft Kerry Leva - Anywhere with you is home

Postby anson » Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:29 am

such a long time to go
I can't bear to count the hours anymore
and I'm sick and tired of waiting here
second guessing all my thoughts
and we yearn to come together
bridge the miles and miles between us
find a way to make the time last
before it all fades away

when I'm so lost
when I'm paralyzed by my own mind
I will run to you
when I bounce back
and I'm higher than (the) clouds in the sky
I will run to you

I will come back to the place I've known
I've got nowhere else to run
anywhere with you is home
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