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TranceHits.com • View topic - Stop Smoking Lebanon
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Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:11 am
by lebanese_raver

Dear Lebanese Citizens, it is our duty to become a lobbying force when the health of our families and children is concerned. Our demand is simple: ask the authorities to make sure to provide a non smoking section in every pub, bar, restaurant, café or public place.

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:29 am
by TranceFusion
I already tried to convince few of my friends who smoke on Facebook to sign an online petition... two of them laughed, there was a good debate with another (good healthy debates are rare in Lebanon btw) and the majority didn't reply, either they didn't read the note (i myself don't pay attention to the notes when i'm tagged) or they don't care. I know it was just an online petition which was about the same thing that is done here. But it gave me the opportunity to see that the smokers don't give a fuck about us non-smokers and our health even when they are given the freedom to smoke.

It's VERY simple: the smokers are the biggest hypocrites in the world. They don't like breathing the smoke from cigarettes, but when they want to smoke they don't give a fuck if a non-smoker next to them doesn't like breathing their smoke. Ever heard of the good manners such as "do you mind if i smoke?" ??? WHERE'S THE FUCKIN RESPECT!! They want to die by suffering from cancer and their relatives suffering as well before their death? Fine, die, it's their wish, but i don't want to die at 50-60 from cancer so fuck off from my clean breathing area with those cigarettes. It's REALLY NOT NICE to come back home with stinking hair, skin and clothes. I love spending time with my friends, i love my friends, but they also know that i tend to be very direct sometimes so yea i'm targetting YOU! Female, male, transsexual, who cares, fuck off with the cigarettes :mrgreen: only a real friend cares about others so i'm saying this for everyone's good! FUCK OFF WITH THE CIGARETTES!

I'm an optimist by nature so i hope that the goal of this mission will be achieved :) if i had powers/influences i'd declare world war 3 against the tobacco industry.

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:35 am
by [IN]Head-Kay
Dave Chapelle : "this lady on the bus said when I was smoking 'It's everybody's air SIR ... put that God damn cigarette out' , didnt want any trouble so I flicked it, 1 min later a homeless guy came in the bus sat next to me and started jacking off!"

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:56 pm
by lebanese_raver
I really hope this petition and other civil and civic organizations can make a difference, starting from schools to universities(spec LAU, i am really considering sending an email to LAU's Dean of student concerning the increasing number of smokers at LAU's Beirut campus). Most probably the goal of this mission will be achieved since i read somewhere that Lebanon signed with the European committee to reduce the number of smokers in public. Akh it would be lovely if smoking in restaurants and other public places is banned.

Oh and credit goes to my gf and close friends, who don't smoke YEY, amazing gf and friends <3.

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:33 pm
by TranceFusion

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:59 pm
by lebanese_raver
Haha sure will, great idea I will talk with my few non smoking friends at LAU about it :P, btw my bad i just remembered that my sociology teacher Dr Hasan Hammoud[Office OGB 514] told class about the agreement with the European committee, i tried googling the information but i couldn't find anything.


Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:40 pm
by [IN]Head-Kay

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:46 pm
by TranceFusion
^ hehe that's true but the universities still "compete" in various domains...

Thx for the link LR!

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:12 pm
by samlbronkowitz
i always ask permission to smoke before I light up if I'm in a place were very few people are smoking, I also never ever smoke in a resto next to kids even if i'm in the smoking section---woudlnt' do it to my kids so not doing it to yours. Smoking bans have succeeded in many cities despite warnings about loss of income etc. I'm a smoker, but I find it ridiculous for example that a gemayze bar thats 60 sq. meters let's you smoke.

However, here's what pisses me off at about NON smokers: I'm at a beach, i'm more than 5meters away, and the wind is totally blowing the opposite direction and the fat bitch took her time, came over and told me the smoke is bothering her. when i told her that none of the smoke is anywhere near her (seriously it wasn't), she goes "ur an asshole and ur the reason I'm going to die young". My reply "Good riddance". I get that smoking is bad, and that non smokers dont' deserve 2nd hand smoke, but gimme a break, ur not going to ban it and if its outdoors and nowhere near you--get over it!

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:04 pm
by Raneem

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:34 pm
by TranceFusion
I really wish that my friends who smoke were as polite and as respectful as you Sam...

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:48 am
by ziz00_909
Shiit my Uni. classmates/friends are killing me!! :( .. every single one of them is a smoker!!! .. so at any time given i'm in the same room with at least 3 smokers :cry: ..
i'm totlay down for a smoker sections anywhere!!

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:56 am
by tarantula
I can't believe someone who lights a cigarette in a bus, cab or any other closed public area, i can't even believe that a doctor examine you while his cigarette is lit (yes it did happen), i also can't believe a baker that smokes while preparing you "Man2ouche", i also can't believe a mom holding her 1 year old baby in one hand and using the other one to smoke, i can't even believe Lebanese people ignoring the NO SMOKING signs, what a shame, this is disgusting.
Actually i am a smoker, but i do get in a fury when i see those people having no respect to others right in breathing healthy air. Banning smoking in Lebanon won't ever happen if you still see people driving the wrong way or ignoring the red light or breaking millions of other rules. Dream on guys.

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:01 am
by Raneem
^ at least we try! ;)

Re: Stop Smoking Lebanon

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:46 pm
by TranceFusion
Either the government is not trying hard enough or not trying at all!

Here's a true story for you guys:
I was at the airport for Christmas 2008 waiting for my plane (which was delayed grrr, Kay remembers that i think :P). At the gate there is a no smoking sign of course, and every once in a while there was an audio message telling people to smoke only in designated areas (the cafes for example). But i saw a mother standing up from her seat, she had like 3 or 4 kids sitting there too, she went to the trash can next to her seat and started smoking, the no smoking sign being just 3 meters away from her. What's even worse than that, is that there were 2 army guys (security of the airport) next to the moving stairs (around 3m from that mother) and they were smoking too!!!

No need to talk about the "service" guys who smoke with the clients in their cars :evil:

So yea, as long as there is such fucked up mentality nothing will change.

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