I already tried to convince few of my friends who smoke on Facebook to sign an online petition... two of them laughed, there was a good debate with another (good healthy debates are rare in Lebanon btw) and the majority didn't reply, either they didn't read the note (i myself don't pay attention to the notes when i'm tagged) or they don't care. I know it was just an online petition which was about the same thing that is done here. But it gave me the opportunity to see that the smokers don't give a fuck about us non-smokers and our health even when they are given the freedom to smoke.
It's VERY simple: the smokers are the biggest hypocrites in the world. They don't like breathing the smoke from cigarettes, but when they want to smoke they don't give a fuck if a non-smoker next to them doesn't like breathing their smoke. Ever heard of the good manners such as "do you mind if i smoke?" ???
WHERE'S THE FUCKIN RESPECT!! They want to die by suffering from cancer and their relatives suffering as well before their death? Fine, die, it's their wish, but i don't want to die at 50-60 from cancer so
fuck off from my clean breathing area with those cigarettes. It's REALLY NOT NICE to come back home with stinking hair, skin and clothes. I love spending time with my friends, i love my friends, but they also know that i tend to be very direct sometimes so yea i'm targetting YOU! Female, male, transsexual, who cares, fuck off with the cigarettes

only a real friend cares about others so i'm saying this for everyone's good! FUCK OFF WITH THE CIGARETTES!
I'm an optimist by nature so i hope that the goal of this mission will be achieved

if i had powers/influences i'd declare world war 3 against the tobacco industry.