BiographyDJ H1N1 started his career back in the 80's with ABBA & Bee Gees then was slowly drifted to some Arabic tunes the like of Dal3oouna. During the 90's however he got magnetized to dance music again especially SNAP (Rhythm is a dancer) and 2 Unlimited (No limit). But alas that didn't last long because Abu Wadih released his massive hit Kalam El Nas followed by the one & only Najwa Karam's massive tunes. Despite all his rage from the Y2K massive crashes (yea right) he still got some inspiration from Macarena & later on the hit from Las ketchup the MAYONAISE song. As soon as DJ H1N1 saw Armin & Tiesto performing live to the masses he decided to DJ. Without ANY DJ experience H1N1 picked a CD squeezed it inside the player & used his old brother's half broken Taiwani headphone to spin the latest in Trance & progressive. Sadly the CD was Frero Jacko so in a split of a second without anyone noticing he mixed in a trancy tune thus making him the KING of mixing.
Why did DJ H1N1 choose this name? For weeks DJ H1N1 browsed the TV, Radio stations & news papers in the quest for the one & only name that will make people tremble in fear & shake in despair! Two words swept the world with the same effect he was looking for... Swine Flu! But that wasn't catchy until a new abbreviation was picked making the name more technical & vague to the masses & DJ H1N1 himself. Although his DJ name is H1N1 his email is H1N7 @ hotmail .com because the name was taken.
Tour dates2005 : Big fan of Haifa & Tiesto DJ N1H1 was busy getting the inspiration & erection
2006 : Big fan of Angelina Jolie & Armin .... same as above ....
2007 : Woke up in bed after a look wet dream with Angelina Jolie (Yes she gave some inspiration too)
2008 : Fell from bed while sleeping & pouf ... nothing ...
2009 : Fell from bed (for the 1000's time) while sleeping & pouf

the DJ thing became real
2009 : Will spin the latest in khadadat & picon all the way from Qatar to Lebanon
Favorite QuoteDJ H1N1 has so many quotes from "Shu yaba"... "Kifooo"... "Kifak Skiroj"... but by far his favorite is "E.D.B.T.Z"