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Postby Sikatronic » Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:55 pm

Last edited by Sikatronic on Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby A-Cube » Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:58 pm

Welcome to DJ.Malaria you may wonder why I called this group Dj Malaria.
Just like Malaria takes over a person's body when it hits them i want my music's originality to control the soul of whoever hears it in that sense my music is more powerful than Malaria,and I'm sure it will but in a positive way of

PLUR men wejje...
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Postby Sikatronic » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:06 pm

Respect your music...Keep the volume LOUD!

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Postby A-Cube » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:07 pm

Welcome to DJ.Malaria you may wonder why I called this group Dj Malaria.
Just like Malaria takes over a person's body when it hits them i want my music's originality to control the soul of whoever hears it in that sense my music is more powerful than Malaria,and I'm sure it will but in a positive way of

PLUR men wejje...
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Postby Sikatronic » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:10 pm

Respect your music...Keep the volume LOUD!

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Postby Nicktalopia » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:18 pm

This is one of the most extraordinary researches in human history (20 years) of constant studies and development,Some people are against it because if a blackhole is formed it may suck in the entire planet :lol:

Anyway i'm not religious or anything but that mysterious force is better known as God.
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Postby Proof » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:23 pm

You guys haven't heard of the CERN?

CERN created the internet.
- Rodrigo Mateo - Carbon Monoxide (Praveen Achary Remix) [Baires Records]
- Alter Breed - Blue White (Praveen Achary Remix) [Spherax Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Butterflies [Mirabilis Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Pull My Legato [MakTub Music]
- Praveen Achary - Crossover (Incl remixes by Fiord, Manuel Sofia (MOS) & Tanseer) [MakTub Music]
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Postby Genesis » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:25 pm

Aaaaaah Aaaaaah!!! I was gonna post about this later tonight...

They only switched it on today for the first time. They sent the first beam of
photons clockwise then again counter-clockwise. This was the first official

There was no collisions and the beam wasn't going at the speed of light.
It was a first test and it passed.

Hold your breath for October 21st. This is the date of the first collision.

I'm totally onboard with the LHC - I mean, it's the most significant and
influential experiment in the history of mankind. The only problem is that
they're looking for the Higgs boson which is in fact only a theory. So, all
this work is to create the Higgs boson that is theorized to exist from the
first place. Regardless if the boson exists or not: there'll be too much
energy to control at the moment of collision. And the boson is only one
outcome out of many at that fraction of a second in the collision; there'll
be strangelets, micro blackholes, magnetic monopoles, and also potentially
extra dimensions than the known four as The Kaluza-Klein Theory claims.
Again... theory.

Don't worry much about the micro blackholes nikstrex. They'll exist for a
fraction of a second then simply disappear. Only problem is if the blackhole
didn't disappear and just sat there sucking matter into it. Unlikely to happen
and as the physicists said: one in a millionth chance.
But then again, lottery jackpot chances are one in a millionth so it doesn't
seem so impossible when you put it that way.

We'll just have to wait and see but regardless of the outcome (and as long
as they can control what'll come out of that collision) this is a massive
experiment that's keeping me on my toes!
If your trance was a pretty blonde ballerina; then what I listen to is a peed-off bulky bouncer pounding the living shit out of your ballerina.
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Postby TRANCED » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:38 pm

I can't WAIT for October 21st... Although October 21st is the day when they start the official experimenting. However, it would take even weeks for first collision to happen (they're gonna do so using giant magnets to control the direction of the proton beams"..
All in search for Higgs boson.. or God's Particle!

Can't wait to see the outcome, however, i think it will give rise to even more questions...

One small step for protons, one huge leap for humanity...

Anyone read Angels & Demons by the way??
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Postby Sikatronic » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:42 pm

well...I think its time for some major change on the planet, im kinda looking forward for the (Blackholes)!!! :P
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Postby Genesis » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:43 pm

^^ I have that book on a shelf in here somewhere... Haven't read it yet - I'm

But I'm reading The Labyrinth of Time right now. REALLY good!
If your trance was a pretty blonde ballerina; then what I listen to is a peed-off bulky bouncer pounding the living shit out of your ballerina.
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Postby TRANCED » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:56 pm

ooooooh i heard of the book you're reading and i've heard it's excellent stuff....

BUT NOTHING BEATS ANGELS AND DEMONS!!!! I finished it in 2 days!
EXCELLENT... oh.. and it involves, the LHC, the CERN, ANTI Matter, and God... Next to many many MANY other stuff.... you'll LOVE IT! Make it your next choice of a book!!
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Postby Sikatronic » Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:00 pm

I have Angels and Demons as well...its somwhere in my room, never cared about reading it, but now I will...thanks to u Tranced!
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Postby Proof » Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:09 pm

- Rodrigo Mateo - Carbon Monoxide (Praveen Achary Remix) [Baires Records]
- Alter Breed - Blue White (Praveen Achary Remix) [Spherax Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Butterflies [Mirabilis Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Pull My Legato [MakTub Music]
- Praveen Achary - Crossover (Incl remixes by Fiord, Manuel Sofia (MOS) & Tanseer) [MakTub Music]
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Postby DonSerj » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:44 am

^ hahahaha
*starts crying*

Tranced thank you for giving me choices for good books to get!
I'm getting both ASAP!

About the experiment, it's brilliant, it solves a mystery, you never know what results we're going to have, but there's dangerous outcomes that's what's scary, they should be careful .. "I'm young, I can't die now!?"
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